
Hmm! Your language tells another story. Besides kids react to more than what they hear. and they hear more than you think they hear. Children also listen to your body language, your attitudes. Your children just did not pick up this fear, they got it somewhere! You’r trying to tell us that magically out of thin

I do not know where some of you people have stuck your heads when it comes to facts. We are the most violent industrialized nation in the world by far! Research your facts please before attempting to make an arguement

Higher pay? Wrong! Please do your homework. Police officers in patrol cars makes less than beginning teachers. They are poor as dirt. So only dirt wants the job.

Statistics says that we are by far the most violent nation in the world among all industrialized nations. When I say by far, I mean by a whole heck of a lot. Please research your statistics before speaking please.!

Finally someone speaks truth. Police officers are poor as dirt!

Wrong! Police unions like any unions are vital to the protection of workers. Those who oppose unions are big business! When most of our unions were destroyed, we lost most of our middle class and we got the 1% owning everything. Unions keep our working class at a wage with proper benefits healthy! We are not

You believe it? You do you get this belief from? I am so against what this cop did, but don’t start spreading lies! Check your facts before you speak! You should like the idiot who is trying to spread the lie that cops make $30 an hour and are over paid. when in fact the very low pay they receive is why we are

I do not know where you are getting your data from! No cop on beat patrol which are the ones being discussed make $30 an hr! Google it! Medium salary is in low $40's per year! The fact is, they are way under paid thus drawing a lot of bad cops into the field! In my area, Cops make what teachers make per year on