
Back in my day, we just watched porn to get off, not be reminded of the current disintegration of the celebrity family.

Of course, once this passes, there will be lots of legislation and funding to assist the families who have been forced to birth a child with disabilities for which they are perhaps not capable of caring/coping/etc. Otherwise, that would just be cruel to both the families and the children.

I want to know what the casting call was like. “Goofy-ass looking white dude. 30ish. Must be able to do Donald Duck impression. Bonus if have own zany shirt collection.”?


As the daughter, wife, sister, and daughter-in-law to veterans, I also concur. The hateful, racist comments I’d hear from old vets while waiting for my husband at the Birmingham VA were appalling. The waiting room tv is permanently set to Fox News, so it was always a matter of time before someone starts ranting about

I’d extend this to “serving in the military does not make you some kind of hero.” Some people that serve are genuinely great human beings. Some people that serve are terrible, monstrous assholes. You know, just like basically every other profession in existence.

Kitchenette Posse: Can we make a pact that any family members who are habitually terrible to waitstaff will be allowed to cough themselves to death under a bridge, alone? At the very least, if you’re going out to eat, say “Mom, we’re going out to eat. There’s a TV dinner in the microwave for you, since you’re a

Absolutely not defending Starbuckshacker guy, but yeah, some manager at some point should have banned that fucker a long time ago. Managers can be the worst horrible customer enablers.

This week on Behind Closed Ovens is filled with the worst of humanity. Ugh. I feel like I’m covered in grill lines after reading that. It’s hard to decide who the worst of this batch is.

One year I worked retail on christmas eve. Oh lord that was bad. But my manager was an angel and let us close an hour early. We did our closing up stuff, locked the doors and turned out the lights, then had to hide like navy seals behind the cash wrap b/c people were in the hall banging on the doors. It was hilarious

Maybe I’m missing something, but I find it hard to believe that someone at the Starbucks in the first story couldn’t contact corporate and have them find a way to prevent this guy from abusing the system and the baristas. Couldn’t someone from corporate wait at the Starbucks three days in a row and see this guy

Thanks, Pinkham. You’ve got me all fired up for Kids Eat Free Monday at the grocery store cafe. I’m already feeling a little rage-y, and might lose my job when an entitled parent yells at me for not giving them free steamed broccoli and grilled chicken because our kids’ menu has too many carbs. Or when someone lets

Never date or marry anyone who treats a restaurant server or bartender like shit. Words to live by.

He’s going to be the person we point to and say THIS IS WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS

Dear dining public:

What an asshole. Seriously. Why do people keep doing this? Do they not notice that EVERYONE inevitably gets caught out? Do they think they are the ONE super-smart mastermind that will get away with publicly defrauding everyone?

How to spot a fake cancer patient:

You're a terrible person and I love you.

And all y’all bitches said vaccines weren’t dangerous. WHO’S LAUGHING NOW?!

Shyla, can I call you Shyla?