
I laughed about it until I realized I wasn't getting interviews or callbacks in my male dominated industry due to using a traditionally female name. I started using a gender neutral name and all of a sudden I was getting 5-10 callbacks a week instead of the 5 a month I was getting before. Many were from companies that

How do we know the Minion wasn’t the one to push her out in the first place? WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

That is really sloppy and annoying. In the press release, it said she. It does show the biases that people have toward women and sciences.

I’m a woman who uses a traditionally masculine name, and it’s a lifelong problem for me. My last name is also very traditionally masculine, and I am very aware that people who have never met me usually assume I’m a man. But what can I do? Go by a name (Samantha) that isn’t what I call myself? Say “p.s. I’m a lady” at

“One of the news organizations that changed my gender had actually interviewed me, in person.”

Well there’s a new approach. Rather than asking illegal questions (like whether you are married and have children), she just told you upfront that she wouldn’t hire certain people. Interesting.

Perhaps the Satanic Temple will use this as an opportunity for some more wonderful trolling. The more the Republicans double down on ridiculous things like this, the more inclined I am to become a card-carrying Satanist.

You'd have alcohol poisoning if you drank every time she whines and cries. FROM ONE EPISODE.

This is what gets me riled up. I mean, the whole thing riles me up. Birth control should be accessible. The End. But what about, for example, people like me - I was diagnosed at the age of 40 as being “in full menopause” by my gyn. Forget the fact that I was having a monthly period - whatevs - I’m mystified by that

And they (her and Shawn) had a great day date but then she’s like, “Well, I hate to ruin the fun but tonight at dinner we’re going to have to talk about Nick again!” WHY!

I’m a 33 year old male, and I’ve never had trouble hitting the mark without spraying all over the bowl/rim. Perhaps you just need some more experience.

Seriously dude - other people have to deal with that. Do everybody a favour and sit the fuck down.

If it’s a problem, maybe you should just sit down on the toilet. It is actually possible to pee sitting down.

If you can't aim, you need to sit down.

I grew up in a 1-bathroom house with a brother and a dad. I have had male housemates, many boyfriends, and now a husband. I have never once had to talk to anyone about pee all over or to clean it up. I think you could chose to raise the bar for yourself.


In a public washroom?! Were you raised in a barn?!

Then wipe up your mess.

Yep, only thing I regret is not hugging all the teens I shared the awkward, home-brought robe waiting room with and telling them it would be okay.

If you can’t hit the bowl, SIT YOUR ASS DOWN!11!