Shut Your Von Trapp

Someone wake me when all this Coachella bullshit is over, plz.

Ha! That’s right. Who’s in the driver’s seat? Choupette, le chat!

“Le Tigre. It’s a lot softer. It’s more of a catalog look.”

With only a few notable exceptions, I’ve always made more money than the men I’ve dated. None of them have had issues with me paying. Ever.

Also, when I was in my early twenties I dated a doctor who made what seemed like gazillions more than I did. I hated that he paid for most things until we had a conversation about

“...there’s nothing more emasculating than a woman pulling out her credit card. I don’t care how women’s lib we are.”

Okay, I laughed at “SEAL TEAM CIS”

Yeah, I think that it makes sense for the person who did the asking out to pay for the date.

Some women like when a man offers to pay for the first date, especially if he is the one who asked her out in the first place (Raises hand). I may or may not take him up on the offer but I do very much appreciate a sincere offer. I think it’s a kind gesture.

Isn’t that what she told John Mayer?

I give my husband a little pat on the tushy after I buy him something pretty. That way he knows I'm emasculating him.

Not offering to pay on the first few dates when starting to see someone is a good way to get dumped. Men don’t want a woman who expects he’ll pay for everything. In my experience, men insist on paying on the first date. I always offer to pay on the second date. 75% of the time they decline my offer and pay. But they

Alternate headline.

It’s not a matter of ‘proving my independence’ or whatever. My BF makes way more money than me but I LOVE paying for fancy dinners with him & shopping sprees with my sisters sometimes. I’m finally at the stage where I’m not in crippling debt anymore, and there’s nothing more satisfying than treating people I love with

I feel like you may have a recessive gene that was naturally weeded out in the old days.

You don't have a cat, do you?

Another friendly face:

Good thing your life doesn't depend on reading the body language of big cats.

People like you are the reasons we can't have nice things and warning labels exists that read like common fucking sense.

Which lion face are you looking at?!