Shut Your Von Trapp

Nope, just healthy.

I have NEVER smelled worse farts than cat farts and I used to dog sit a Great Dane who had to take antibiotics. Cats win every time. I've been at friend's houses when their cats fart and it lingers so bad that you have to go on an hour long search to make sure the cat hadn't actually just shat in a houseplant or

Just fyi, when they get really old, they sometimes have problems digesting cat food properly, hence the farts. You might want to start feeding them more protein, i.e. wet food if they currently get dry food, or just meat and/or fish for the last few years. Some yogurt and cheese is fine too, but not plain milk or

the bigger the hair the closer to heaven

You know what? Keanu Reeves.

No. One. No one damn it!!!!! Unless she's getting back with Robbins, because I'm still holding out hope for that to happen.

Oh, sorry to burst your bubble, but cats most certainly do fart. I currently have two elderly cats that lie on the bed with me. It's so bad, I can tell you which one farted by the smell. I often have to move them to the couch and spray air freshener. Cats fart a lot.

Not true! My cat has gas all the time. He's like a walking stink bomb. And I actually heard my sister's cat fart the other day. It totally happens.

Cats don't fart?! Are you kidding?!

I once blamed a fart on my cat. I was showing my soon-to-be-boyfriend into my room for a study date, and I let one slip as we walked into my room. I immediately blamed it on my cat, who was minding his own business conveniently close to me. (And we did study like good little physics geeks for an hour or so). A few

RT's "Twin Infinitives" creeped the hell outta me in high school. Today, I can admire it as an art-damaged masterpiece.

Caftan Liz Taylor is my favorite and also my spirit animal (p.s. This picture is also my avatar because I love it so much).

Seriously guys, between this and the X-files revival, I feel like I'm slowly turning back into Christal circa 1997. If he also shows up on Twin Peaks, I will die. Mulder and Scully will need to investigate my death by fandom.

I fucking love Dad rock.

What I don't masturbate to on Netflix would make a shorter list.

I would trade my left kidney for the shades she's wearing in the last photo.

Tiny communities like this are exactly the situation in which communism works. It falls apart in large scale nations, but it makes sense here.

Calm down, Ayn Rand. They fell behind the rest of the world through a combination of choice and the fact that oh, yeah, it’s kind of hard to build things when you’re on a tiny-ass island and don’t have access to millions of pounds of metal.

As small as the world has become in my daily life and travels, I find ‘pockets’ like these fascinating.