Shut Your Von Trapp

I see Olive Garden finally got in touch with their Roman roots, in the worst way possible.

Serf & Turf

Cassie your explanation is great, but you didn't have to write it all down, your 1st post is logical and makes perfect sense.

Those two ideas aren't even related...

Are you actually going to address any of your concerns to me or are you just going to discuss what you assume I meant to other people and give me nothing but terse, passive-aggressive replies?

this is making it sound like he is being transphobic BECAUSE he is black

Actually you did a half-assed straw man in the form of a question.

I think you're putting a LOT of words in my mouth.

Of course he did... as the oppressed begin to escape their oppression, they in turn become oppressors themselves.

Personally, I know I'm a better, kinder, more patient mother on the days my toddler has spent a few hours in preschool.

Obviously rape is about violence more than just sex, but I think that to say that assumes that sexual penetration is the only way to abuse someone is a stretch. That is the way that that perpetrator chose to abuse someone, and most violent serial offenders have a pattern. While there are serial killers who bludgeon

I'll take "quality time" parenting over those damn helicopters any day. It is disgusting to me to see seven, eight, and nine year old kids who are not even allowed to walk to a friend's house down the block by themselves. And don't get me started on the family that got called into DCS for letting their kids walk

Well, in the few years that I have been a mother, there has been attachment parenting, free range parenting, consensual living, radical unschooling, continuum parenting, push parenting, pull parenting, earth parenting, duct tape parenting, shamanistic parenting, and traditional parenting.

You don't hear about it because it's kind of routine. Sexual predators and men who abuse children by fathering many but paying for none are both offered surgical and chemical sterilization options on a regular basis.

I practiced a form of parenting I coined a term for as a sort of joke, "Proximity Parenting With Benign Neglect." I should have written a book or something. 5 kids off and running as capable and semi-detached adults (meaning they call and come by for holidays and we go out together on occasion etc but basically are

Is that where you have 'family meetings' and spend weekends trying to get your 2 year old and 12 year old to enjoy the same things?

Attachment parenting is creating a generation of adults that I'm scared to see grow up.

I don't think it's particularly problematic to suggest that actually doing something with your kids might be better than just watching TV with them.

"Quality Time" parenting mixed with the evangelical Christian features is the worst ever.

Because teens don't want to spend time with their parents, and the feeling is mutual. :p