Shut Your Von Trapp


Yes, handsome. And by handsome, I mean not white.


Those. Tweets.

People lie all the time about other crimes, and nobody is going to be like well one time that person false accused someone of some crime I don’t believe it know.

Exactly. Unfortunately, even asking those questions and wanting to have that discussion is seen as “trolling”, “blaming feminism” or “being an MRA” around these parts, which is too bad because they don’t realise that it’s hurting the very women that they claim to want to protect.

And I absolutely agree with you. I just wish that the frat wasn’t the one that will get that money. If RS is going to have to pay up anyway it’s too bad that the beneficiaries aren’t going to be the rape victims who are the ones most hurt by this.

Yeah I know but I hate that this whole thing was such a shit show that the frats ended up being the only winners.

I see it now and you’re right. That’ll teach me to speed read on my phone...

It’s precisely because rape victims already face such a difficult time getting justice that the entire handling of this case hurt real rape victims and yes, I do place part of that blame on the woman who made the false accusation. Sorry if you think that makes someone an MRA.

How is saying that this should be a learning opportunity for all involved “blaming feminists”? I am a feminist but that doesn’t mean I think the movement is perfect or that it hasn’t made its share of mistakes and that it can’t also learn from this. But hey, it’s my own fault, I should know better than to expect

They can’t admit fault in a statement the way you would like them to because the more they say they were wrong and need to change, the stronger the frats’ lawsuits are. Is it so important to you that RS admit fault, even if the only ones that stand to gain from it are the fucking frats at UVA?

No we can’t agree on that. I think that unless Jackie is confirmed to be very mentally ill, she bears a part of the blame. Certainly RS’ is a bigger part but I’m a woman and a feminist but I don’t think feminism and solidarity means that I have to pretend that women can’t be bad people or that they can’t fuck up and

Yeah, that’s why I said, she bears part of the blame. Not all of it. And I absolutely agree that whatever part of the blame is hers, doesn’t change the fact that RS and Erdely didn’t do their fucking jobs. But what I won’t do is continue to hold up Jackie as some kind of innocent victim in all of this, unless it is

If she is genuinely very mentally ill, I could maybe see your point. Otherwise, I think she bears a part of the blame. She invented a person and sent fake text messages to her friends that were allegedly from this person.

I do think Rolling Stone needs to look inward at how this kind of shit show can be avoided but honestly, I think feminism also has to look inward and maybe realise that part of the problem is that what Erdely did is really the textbook way that feminism and rape victim advocates want rape victims to be treated. Just

Or how about we let people apologise however they see fit and let the person at whom the insult was directed decide if they accept it or not, rather than the internet mob of social justice warriors who won’t be happy anyway unless the apology also involves the apologiser dousing themselves in gasoline to make up for

Just a finger? How can I be certain of someone’s full commitment and remorse if a full limb isn’t removed?

But then people get even more pissed off if they don’t apologise so people need to make up their minds - do they want an apology or not?

That show is worth watching for Ari Gold. Yes he's vile but he's also hilarious.