
The assembled youth were especially committed to redistributing wealth from their parents to their landlords.

They helped GW invade a country.

“Well gracious! I wasn’t sure about whether systemic oppression of underclasses and minorities and disadvantaged groups was really a problem, and I didn’t really take the urgent outcry that the Black music community has been putting out for the last 40 years seriously, because all that hiphop rap music just promotes

Beyoncé is redeemable because when she is on the spot, she can actually SING (like when she did Take My Hand Precious Lord). Lady Gaga is the same way - an actual decent singer when she has to. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Katy Perry, you know, SING (like just her voice with minimal producing). I would personally

I mean he explained that people who report in war zones and cartel land are heroes. That would encompass those 2,291 heroes. The ones who aren’t reporting from somewhere dangerous are just people doing there job. I have coworkers who did audit work for military in Iraq. Their compound got shelled and some were

It’s crazy that is has taken a meglomaniac’s screaching about the press for them to get off their asses after 24 years of giving sitting Presidents handies under the table.

For every reporter like Farenholdt, or Sopan Deb, there a forty Don Lemon’s—I don’t like it, but it’s how it works.

99.999% of them aren’t standing up for anything. just like under the gw bush administration, they’ll make a bunch of noise for years on end, screw up 95% of coverage, then spend a few years patting themselves on the back for the 5% they got right and explaining there’s no way they could have saved the rest.

“Peter King taught me how to make love to a woman and how to scold a child!”

Slightly tangential: I believe all movies about LA, acting, New York, or Old Hollywood, should be banned from Oscar consideration.

Barbara Walters is a hero. How can we forget the time that a burning school bus rolled down fifth avenue and Barbara flew down from the heavens and with a mighty gust, blew the fire out. She then grabbed each of the children by their feet and dragged their lifeless bodies off the now smoldering wreck, one by one.

“I would rather have circuses without bread than bread without circuses.” — Paleo Thomas Jefferson

I think Scarlett Johanssen is beautiful, but incredibly lifeless onscreen. She’s like staring at a brick wall for 2 hours.

Her family is well-connected and rich - that’s the only reason she has a career.

My dude, Obama was a once-a-century charismatic talent and he still oversaw the loss of 900+ state legislature seats to the GOP in his tenure

Not only is Trump a gigantic bigot and a clown, HRC lost while outspending him almost 3:1. That alone should tell you how moronic it would be to go with Perez. Dems will crash and burn if they are not united around Bernie’s platform, because

I find this awesome because we’re at the age where actual weeaboos now have important political jobs. As I was joking on my facebook timeline, I can’t wait for the day when MPs will tell the PM “This is all fine and good honorable prime minister, but your waifu is trash! TRAAAASH!!!” (yes I’m canadian)

Weird that they would pose for a picture of that special guy before beating him on Facebook Live.

Yes. Having literal children of that race is exactly the same as knowing random people of that race.