
Fuck me, remembering complaining about the hilt in Adam Driver’s light saber?

Like who even were we then?

If someone tells you they’re a writer and they’re living in Brooklyn, immediately ask them to list five things they’ve written that have been published/performed/optioned etc. Demand receipts. I don’t care if it’s rude. --signed, an actual writer in Brooklyn

Quick story: I was donating blood at the Red Cross once, and there was this chatty guy on a table next to me talking to the nice, obliging phlebotomist while giving blood. First, he bragged about how he donates blood unlike all his bro friends with muscles, who are scared of needles. Then, when she asked him where he

Hot take: it’s fucking ridiculous to have a fashion magazine in a region where women are put to death for wearing the fashions. Like, there’s bigger stuff to do over there.

Right i mean it’s a farce to have this publication there whatsoever. bread and circuses, or whatever.

Well, I’m sure France is a different thing from other regional Vogues but I know the EIC of Vogue Paris has a lot of independence.

“conflicted with the values which underpin our readers” - there’s so much in here, and yet so little.

Cindy Adams unable to communicate and spew her nonsense?

And Noonan gets a Pulitzer. No justice.

Ok to be fair Verizon does suck a bag of dicks, but for Christ’s sake lady just get a damn cellphone.

Cindy Adams is so old that her first job paid her in fire.

Old Lady get a land line.

It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else. Investigators are looking into finding out who originally had the gun and passed it to the friend, the news station notes.

568 episodes

I agree with you. I just don’t remember that until someone points it out. Also, there are a lot of Asian-American actors on those really bad CBS shows. But can’t really be mad at them. Make your coin; get those imdb credits. And you’re right. It is odd to see an IMDB page that empty. Even if he did stuff overseas,

Too bad Boris Karloff, Mickey Rooney & John Wayne are dead as they could have nailed being the villain, comedy relief & lead in this.

Sounds like it could be a great movie (and finally serve an underserved market), however WTF is Henry Golding? I went to his IMDB page and all it lists is this movie. His personal page said something about hosting some adventure shows or something. But again I ask “WTF is Henry Golding”?

(Guess they couldn’t get any

and Emma Stone.

As Variety reports, Warner Bros. plans to film with an all-Asian cast—a very appropriate move given the story’s premise.

E! News snippily notes that Iggy’s second album was delayed due to “personal issues”and then provides us with a fairly comprehensive timeline that starts out with the casual speculation that maybe, just maybe, she peaked with “Fancy.”