
you’re both the same age, and you are a regular commenter on a website that thinks showing a sex tape of a 5 year old is a good idea, and had an editor in chief that openly laughed at a rape victim who dared ask him to take down video of her being raped.

what does it tell you about where society has gone that we now get offended that an actor actually manages to take care of themselves. God forbid Daniel brush and floss 3x a day.

you do know by that logic most of us on this site aren’t considered woke by your standards

so could be John Madden

exactly, like it didn’t sound malicious so much as Scott has been in the industry the last 40 years and can probably name a dozen actresses that ruined their careers by speaking out politically. I mean when Scott started the idea that you should hire Italians to play anything beyond an ethnic villian was considered

There’s really nothing I can do about it other than live my life the way I know I live it and to speak to what my own values are and how I try to live by them all the time.

Warren hasn’t had a career in over 20 years? why should he give a shit? with Fay it’s been 35 years.

these two are in their 80s. This might have been the first time they have been on television since the Clinton adminisration

they aren’t though, the winner gets to keep the envelope. So they were given a back up envelope

shit, i guess she really did win that

exactly, Also don’t the winners keep the envelope? So that has to mean that not only is there another envelope with the results on it, clearly whoever is running the show also apprently didn’t realize in the 10 minutes that Warren was holding onto that envelope that it wasn’t the right one

me too, how much do you make per year?

aren’t koalas endangered? they are going to be extinct anyway, i have a feeling Chris Brown will live till 100

But who cares lets all wear our pink pussy hats and vote for Booker/Schumer in 2020, right guys?

why do i have a feeling that he did it more to have an excuse to fly across the atlantic and also to get some good dutch weed.

Kerry is known as one of the worst presidential canaidates of all time because he couldn’t beat a literal retard who just got us into 2 wars. Plus Kerry was apprently, plus you can be boring as you want if you are a good senator.

really? i think it was the most popular one she made

some white bitch took until she was almost 40 to realize how xenophobic white people are?

Considering the world seems to be reenacting the plot of every dystopian movie ever made, how long until we get a Robocop.

Quinzel isn’t a jewish name,