Romostradomus the Undying

So Bernie does nothing but parrot his campaign talking points, goes full “Old Man Yells At Cloud” at a couple points, actually replies to “What would you do if Roe was overturned?” with “Medicare for All!”, and Splinter’s editorial plan is to point out how everyone else in the debate screwed up.

On the other hand, Bernie Sanders was MAGA-esque in his contention that nothing has gotten better in America in 45 years, which might be better understood by the fact he hasn’t accomplished anything in the Senate to make it better (or anything, for that matter). 

What’s the slippery slope? Throwing a drink at somebody is literally a textbook example of assault.  Doesn’t have to be acid in there or not.

“The former Obama-era head of U.S. Border Patrol”

“Some players are wondering if this activity is an AI bug introduced during the Invasion expansion. EVE developer CCP has been vague, saying only that they are aware of what is happening and are eagerly watching the situation.”

We can’t play by the rules so we have to pack the court and throw out all semblance of history and tradition and probably the Constitution and our great democracy to do it.

still better than giving nine people lifetime appointments to a body that can unilaterally kill laws.”

OMG, do you have no historical perspective or understanding of life? This is a blip. The court has been left leaning since its inception more often than not. Take it down a notch. Everything is going to be fine.

You can ask Harry Reid how drastic changes in rules work out in the long term...

The level of ignorance of history and politics it takes to write this comment is astounding! 

Hello, we are Democrats and for the first time in many years we don’t control the SC and can no longer drive progressive ideals forward by judges who think of the Constitution as something to “interpret” based on the winds of change.  We can’t play by the rules so we have to pack the court and throw out all semblence

I’m mostly agnostic on the netting issue but the “if it saves one life” argument is beyond silly.

i think it’s a little of column A and a healthy dash (as another commenter pointed out) of people being opposed to a particular outcome of gov’t overreach but not being really against overreach 

Jason Vargas looks like the kind of guy who’s kids go to a school where they get picture grades, instead of letters or numbers.

It certainly would not have “in fairness, names are hard”

Sorry fellas, gotta go, I have an Alexander Pope lecture to give at Queens Community College.

I gotta say I feel like this article would be very different if a vocal conservative had made this mistake.

Between this and the gas explosions last year, I think the lesson here is that Massachusetts utilities don’t work well under pressure.

“What’s an F5 poop tornado like?”

How much does it cost to install a septic tank?