IT’S ALMOST LIKE IT WAS IN THE NAME! Apparently both Kotaku and Eve players are idiots.
IT’S ALMOST LIKE IT WAS IN THE NAME! Apparently both Kotaku and Eve players are idiots.
Yeah, I mean, you absolutely need to know direct from the developers if this is part of their “Invasion” expansion or not. It’s not like they told you it was coming, or anything. *eyeroll*
Not really, because far left progressives are never going to have any meaningful power and thus will never achieve their crazy dreams of an open border utopia. I just love watching you all eat each other alive.
Counting til what? her re-election?
I look forward to seeing the segment on “Radical Leftist shot, killed by police trying to take local courthouse hostage” on tomorrow night’s news cycle.
Do you guys ever get tired of losing?
He called you that because it’s exactly what you are. You demand the silencing of opinions you dislike or don’t agree with. That is literally a tenet of fascism.
You already tried that with Reid changing the voting rules, do you learn nothing from your mistakes?
Yes. Constantly.
Except he did.
We all saw this coming the moment these idiots started calling for the abolition of the Electoral College.
In Blest’s world, unilateral control under his beliefs is the only acceptable form of government...I can’t remember which WW2 era government that sounds like..
Except..Gore lost Florida..
That’s not his point. His point is how can you make an argument against Republicans packing the SCOTUS as bullshit whilst simultaneously arguing that it is okay for the Democrats to do the same thing. Basically he is saying that anyone in favor of Court packing is a fucking retard (with Blest being a literal retard,…
Sorry fellas, gotta go, I have to get my artisanal cheese shop ready to open in the Bronx.
It’s pronounced, “Obnoxious douchebag.”
It’s not “racist” to expect a country founded by native English speakers to have English as the national language. That’s like calling France and the UK racist for having their national languages be French and English.
Love that fascism!
Even if the insurance covers it, they’ll just bill the DPW. No matter how this breaks down, the city/DPW is eating the costs of that clean up.