Romostradomus the Undying

Sure ya do, big guy.

Results come in quickly when you fire your head of immigration and replace him with the head of prisons, as Mexico did.

Nah, man.

Considering it’s a federal crime, they don’t have to put them in the sanctuary city jails. They can just bus them out wherever.

“Become human?” What, is that how your freshman sociology teacher taught you to phrase it?

Shhhhh you’re fucking up their talking points! What next, you’re going to tell me he’s not a fascist?! *gasp*

Huh, funny..It’s almost like they’re..Not seeking asylum at all?

I fail to see most of those comparisons landing, especially since the Left has been throwing the shitfits trying to censor people the past few years.

To be fair, I hardly think you can call Splinter bloggers or their sycophants “Grown,” “voting,” or “adults.”

Motherfucker, you think I can’t fit an ounce of cocaine in the side of my boot? That shit doesn’t smell, I have no priors, and I’m not going to be drivin’ around getting stoned or something with a bunch of drugs like an idiot, nor am I going to be speeding. It’s called “not acting sketchy as fuck.” It’s really not


She’ll be even more upset when she finds out that PR voted to not become a state recently.

Well obviously not, since it was put in place for exactly the type of situation that involves a bunch of stupid assholes in California and NYC claiming they’re in charge forever and know exactly what’s best for you.

To be fair, if they took control of Congress and the Presidency again they’d probably just kick all the Republicans out and censor everybody that objected. Their next step would probably be building the “re-education” camps in Montana and North Dakota.

Found the guy that still doesn’t know what a “fascist” is.

Lol @ you for thinking there’s going to be a “revolution.”

Idk man, I know I managed to not commit any felonies at 18. I definitely was guilty of felony possession a few times between ages 20-24, but it’s pretty easy to not get caught by..You know, not being an idiot. Sooooo no sympathy; what, you think a business is going to hire someone with an assault with a deadly weapon

Well I mean, sometimes you gotta save your marriage. For one, divorce is expensive. Second, man sometimes there’s just a lot of sluts and you make a poor decision.

Cheating on his wife is not really your business...And stereotypical accents are funny. I had Chinese landlords once and they sounded EXACTLY like your definition of “racist accents.”

I take issue with you referring to Dr. Disrespect as “famous.”