Romostradomus the Undying

The thing is, mostly Splinter and Jezebel readers are all screaming “ALL WORK IS VALUABLE” when really, more owners are realizing it’s not. Even the small pizza joints around me now have online ordering, which I’d figure most people would prefer - it removes the chance of mix ups on taking the order, I don’t have to

I was going to lean more towards that nobody even knows if she’d be a decent lay because the amount of conversation you’d need to have to even get to that point would make me want to mainline Draino.

Seriously, there’s virtually nothing to it. Given, in Texas she’s probably representing mostly people who crossed the border illegally, and..what? Being assigned as a public defender? Supplementing that with the occasional person that can pay her retainer? Most of the immigration guys I know here do outside counsel

Dude..Common law practices for contracts existed since before the Puritans even landed in NA.. you’re basically saying it’s okay for the government to tell you what you can do with a house and property you own because they enforce legally binding contracts, which is some seriously fucking stupid reasoning.

And there’s your obligatory “PEOPLE DESERVE MORE THAN $12 AN HOUR TO ANSWER A PHONE AND TYPE IN AN ORDER!” post, folks.

How did the corporations get in to this? Is that just your lefty fall back to everything? “But the corporations, man...”

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you equating common law contract practices to fucking government ownership of property? Also, that’s not the definition of irony.

And how do you plan on conducting such an idiotic plan? What if the people who own those properties don’t want to sell? You can’t use eminent domain to take it. But yes, most assuredly what cities need are more housing projects - I hear people love the projects. I will say, it’s a great way to segregate and keep crime

If anyone ever wondered why Libby is such a whiny, snobby twat all the time, it’s apparently because nobody wants to fuck her. Now, which came first, the whining or the nobody liking her may never be known, but one begets the other.

And so continues NYC’s descent in to a shit blasted Hellscape.

Actually she did. She basically advocated that you cannot do what you want with a piece of privately owned real estate, which could never happen in the United States since it violates basically every legal tenet of ownership in existence.

These are the idiots that educated AOC at BU.

When was the last time the Netherlands military was mobilized...?

The reason we don’t have to worry much about protecting the country is because we HAVE the military, you myopic goon.

Correction: Because the military does not, and should not, give a fuck.

I can’t wait til we start sending pilots up in Tesla fighters and bombers that spontaneously fall apart or combust.

What the fuck is a “political scientist?” Those two things do not fucking compute.

I was just thinking that. I guess when you have to find something new to be outraged about every day, you start deleting memories to make room for new stuff to be outraged over.

Seriously. But an immigration lawyer...Which is basically “Just make sure you file all the paperwork on time and correctly.”

? Graduate at 21/22, go straight to law school, lawyer by 24/25. That’s not uncommon..Especially if you’re just going to be an immigration lawyer in Texas.