Oh sure, but when I try to Jedi mind trick the cop by saying “Nothing is wrong here” and speed off, I get arrested.
Oh sure, but when I try to Jedi mind trick the cop by saying “Nothing is wrong here” and speed off, I get arrested.
So this is the guy that all Splinter bloggers were demanding resign and how he was just a massive embarrassment, and how great the Democratic party was because they “call out and remove” the bad actors in their party..And now months later Splinter has deemed his redemption complete, and is wonderful again. Something…
Things that don’t matter: Polls conducted 18 months before elections. Also, polls in general. I seem to remember a number of polls showing a landslide win for Hillary just days before...
Congratz, and as you clowns love to say, “Bush Jr. went to Yale.”
That’s...Not a thing and simply believing so doesn’t make it correct, you trogladyte.
If that is true, then NYU would explain why you’re so clueless and why your jokes are so trash.
Yeah, I hear the film industry is just super specific and extremely meticulous with details. *eyeroll*
You’re just the angriest little college freshman.
Clearly you can’t read. I am eternal.
This must be written by the same “extremely woke EIC” Tim Pool described that caused him to bail when Splinter was still Fusion News and would say dumb shit like “Our editorial focus this week is: GENDER!” Just goes to show you that actual journalists don’t even want to work at Splinter, only political activists do.
They also let Athens get sacked because the idiots couldn’t agree on helping the Spartans to defend their mutual existence. Not exactly a great reference point.
Is she still on her crowdfunded vacation?
Why would they? He only had to take sophomore English and no philosophy courses.
Fucking engineers are horrifically dumb when you take them out of their element. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN CONTEXT AND LANGUAGE ARE IMPORTANT? THE MATH IS RIGHT THAT’S ALL THAT MATTERS.”
Wait..For real? You ignorant fucking prole.
Everyone will scream “Whataboutism,” but that’s only because the Left has discovered that’s a convenient way for them to dismiss any valid argument that they have no substantive response for.
California extends tens of millions of dollars to covering illegal immigrants, as its teachers protest about low pay, understaffing, and huge class sizes. Way to prioritize!
Yeah, fuck it, let’s get rid of driver’s and pilot’s licenses too! ANARCHY!
Self awareness and personal responsibility? ...This is a new one for Splinter commenters.
No. No, it isn’t.