Romostradomus the Undying

Obama told the DoJ to hide TONS of shit, man. Grow up.

I think fuck you but you make too great a point lol.

I giggle every time I see your posts. Here’s the warning kids: If you major in dumb shit like gender studies etc, you’re fucked in the job market. I guess learn2code? That’s what they’re all about now right?

Why, because it doesn’t conform with your worldview that everybody must be corrupt except your side? Jesus, take a walk outside man.

If I were illiterate, what good would typing that post have done?

I’m pretty sure you think every user you haven’t personally tried to molest is Tomatoface. It’s kind of an insult to how good he is at pushing your buttons.

Why even bother apologizing? It was 50 years ago. It wasn’t the fucking Holocaust or a pogrom, maybe it’s time to let the fuck go.

Always with the whining about “Bombing brown people,” you guys aren’t even happen when you win, are ya?

I know we’re on different sides of the aisle and all, but surely we can both find it deeply amusing/extremely confusing how Splinter has gone from “Voting: Meh” in 2016 because Bernie didn’t get the nomination, to now where every article is “OMG VOTE VOTE VOTE ALL DAY VOTE TWICE IF YOU CAN.”

Oh I agree with you, why they chose Joss fucking Stone to try and get the point across that Anne of Cleves was actually not very attractive at all is beyond me. I suppose it might have been offensive to the actress if they had actually chose someone unattractive and they saw the subtext that that was the point?

That’s an easy list.

Isn’t that Midler “burn” what Splinter loves to call “whataboutism?”

A writer with far more actual professional accomplishments. It was like a How-To class on self owns.

He’s talking about you, it is time for you to stop being stupid.

Uh, if someone is willing to pay it you absolutely have the right to charge them the amount they are willing to pay. That’s how you run a business.

Sure you were, kiddo.

If I had to guess? By rolling over and sliding down his huge ass pile of money, in to a pool filled with even more money.

And somehow it still bothers you enough to make you feel the need to chime in.

...That’s a burn? But..How?

Don’t bullshit me and act like they totally weren’t sending hand drawn portraits of themselves to each other in the 1500's via courier or pigeon or some shit, man.