
"There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."

Please, no editing after the fact. You said taking your kid to BK is proof of bad parenting. Also, why do you get to decide if poor people get dessert? Are you the Poverty Czar now? Dictating the foodstuffs available to poor people? "No spices, you low down dirty lazy slobs, plain white rice for you until you can

Guy posts funny story on Reddit that may or may not be now becomes a national news headline.

He got this kinda backward: If I ever missed work because I got injured lifting a jet ski, I would definitely claim it was a cocaine suspension.

Yeah, it's really fucked up when you support a wife-beater and people twist things to make it look like you support a wife-beater.

Hi, Ravens PR Dept!

Ray Rice pounded his chest twice, looked around to see if anyone was watching, then dragged his unconscious chest out of the elevator. It was clear this moment meant a lot to him.

For my money, the best part is his totally unprompted "Roger Goodell doesn't just sit in a vacuum and decide this stuff by himself" bit. He couldn't have made it more clear that Roger Goodell sits in a vacuum and decides this stuff by himself if he'd just said "Roger Goodell sits in a vacuum and decides this stuff by

So if he wasn't trying to say or even imply that women can provoke domestic violence, maybe he should just be fired for being terrible at communicating, since using words to communicate effectively is his only job.

Now playing

I rarely get the chance to use this more than once a week, but this is the second time and I couldn't be happier:

I agree that this arbitrary crap, especially from Goodell, is worthless.

It's not the Ray Rice's in the world that contribute the most to the perpetuation of Domestic Violence, it's uninformed people like you who create a culture where victims continue to be blamed and where abusers aren't taken seriously.

How about, "Don't knock your wife unconscious", for starters?

With that attitude, I'd recommend pushing your wife down the stairs then asking her "how bad is the PR?"

Hey would you mind marrying me real quick? I'd like to slap you upside the head for being so dumb.

Delete your Kinja.

really if you think about it it's really her fault. If she had a stronger chin, Ray wouldn't be in this mess. Who does she think she is, dropping like a sack of potatoes like that? I mean, as soon as he knocked her unconsious with a nasty hook to the mouth he tried to hide her shameful punch blocking skills by

omg totally agree, women never marry their abusers that's why the word "wifebeater" is so wierd

You're a real piece of shit.

Hey Mike Vick might have slaughtered innocent puppies with his bare hands but at least he didn't love another human being.