You all need to stop commenting

yes. this is happening subtly but with disturbing speed. im really surprised how much concilatory back pedaling is happening from unlikely sources. but the press is going to get railroaded. theyll sedate the masses with celeb news and they no one will notice.

It’s also worth noting that George Takei very plainly called out Trump back when in December 2015, when Trump said he “had to be there” to figure to decide if he would’ve interned Japanese-Americans in WWII.

You’d prefer that elected officials just lie at will with no one pointing it out?

I know people on FB are going to say that those kids were being disrespectful and not behaving but I am sorry, if it is that bad for you then you walk out.

You don’t make the situation worse by screaming racial slurs and threatening them!

If you can’t handle a situation then you freaking leave. And the fact that she

Can we just have a round of appreciation here for the Jezebel writers, who have been ON THIS SHIT like nobody’s business? I am filled with love right now.

In the cop’s defense? No defense for that. Except we are now in Trump’s America. Every racist is emboldened.