
More likely a motorbike officer who is using a full face balaclava to keep warm while riding, because it’s November and riding with an open helmet like they do can get cold regardless of the time of year.

Yes exactly. The statement is presented as fact, without even a single anecdotal example in support. Usually when you write something like that, you’re supposed to justify it - hey look, they wore masks at this other protest for this other thing, and everybody got locked up an hour later.

A single masked officer does not imply widespread misconduct, but it is a harbinger of things to come

Yes. Oh wait, you don’t know which side you’re on. Let me clue you in, left are the Nazis.

“Anti-Trump protests in Portland were already declared “riots” by police”

It’s really a mystery, I guess we will never know. Oh, wait, could it be because of the way our police officers are being maligned and treated like they are Nazis by leftist idiots, and murdered by paranoid nutjobs?

according to the gawker not gawker story about the disney costume... this is racist.

Everything I’m reading is that the script is thin, but the characters are great! So... it’s Amazing Spiderman? Cause you just described Amazing Spiderman. That’s not to say this is a bad movie, but I don’t think it will be remembered in 30 years.

To paraphrase Red Letter Media, If you can’t find the footage to make your 2 hour movie look good in 5 minutes, then you have a problem.

And there are definitely flaws. In the next few weeks when someone says they don’t like Ghostbusters, I won’t fight it. I get it.

I dont believe anyone is getting paid off, but at some point you gotta wonder what affect a FREE screening does to people’s opinions. I know I’m a lot nicer after somebody buys me a beer.

I’ll probably wait until it’s on Netflix and even then will probably take a pass.

This was possibly the least convincing positive review I’ve ever read. “Incredibly condensed” story, “thin” characters, “non-entity” villain, “no tension”, and “the proton packs seem to have a bigger arc than many of the characters”.

The interesting thing is that, unlike the Bond films, race actually plays a huge, explicit role in the Gunslinger books. I’m interested to see how they address it; hopefully they don’t just drop that aspect completely.

This is a gawker site. The only freak outs come when a minority character is played by a white person, never when it’s the other way around.