Content was redacted for a reason.
Content was redacted for a reason.
I star my own comments too.
Whether or not it’s true, I’m going to assume he’s making fun of those cringey Commerce Content articles that always insist on calling headphones "cans".
Colored laces were banned in my school for being “gang related.”
So many people believe he is a hero for “protecting our freedoms” from ISIS. Which is bullshit. What the hell is that 13 yr old going to do over here?
No he’s not tweeting again, did you read those, they had complete sentences and coherent thoughts. Clearly a ghost writer.
I can understand people supporting some of his “policies” (low taxes, bringing back manufacturing, war in the middle east, anti abortion, etc.). I’ve never understood supporting him. You could have generic republican in the white house, and that’s mostly the same agenda, but they couldn’t be as awful a human being.
Is this correct? Is she really John McCain’s daughter? I can’t find anything about that anywhere.
Okay, but anytime I suggest we should set fire to the university system, all these right wingers start coming around licking their lips and it makes me uncomfortable.
As far as reactions go, I like a solemn “Womp womp.”
He fucking murdered a 12 year old boy. Jesus Christ.
Nice tip! I think you just solved Income inequality
Well it is part of the south so they will answer the majestic bald eagle. Because merica patriot.
I hope you only throwing out a joke. But just in case...
LOL, those trivia questions are such bullshit. I bet if they asked the native-born Georgians what the state bird is, 90% of applicants would fail.
Can we just make this the model for dealing with every douchebag conservative in America? Do not let them throw this “diversity of thought” BS at you when we call out their logical fallacies. Diversity of thought doesn’t mean ignoring facts and sound logical conclusions based on truth.
Nobody cares that you're scared of Jews and brown people.