
add -carvana to your search, it will remove 98% of their ads. Occasionally one slips by, but it makes it useable. You can also do the same thing in autotempest, which is what anyone looking for a car should be using anyway.

It doesn’t look ugly or anything, but the front end looks like one of those weird not-very-well-known supercars from small, obscure companies. Or something straight out of a GTA game. Kinda low-rent looking. I think Acura could have done a better job with a less is more approach rather than over-styling it.

Yeah, I read it as the cop hit a car while he (the cop) was doing stupid tricks, and then proceeded to shoot an innocent.

Sure, have a human fuck a duck and the movie’s “terrible”, but have the human fuck a fish and they hand you Oscars.

A growing young family without the means to spend at least $30k for a three row vehicle for starters. This at least comes with a warranty; other cars in this price range will not. Said family will not be in a good position to shell out $500 for an unexpected repair. 

At least he doesn’t have to face this on his own, but I guess this is growing up.

Their accountants (presumably) followed all of the rules, exactly. If you have a problem with the percentage of their income that they paid in taxes, don’t bitch at them or their accountants (because H&R Block, et al do the same for you within the tax rules) but go after the Representatives and Senators who submitted

“You did it, didn’t you, Armie?” I said. His grip on the gat didn’t waver. “You took the dizzy dame from Teller’s clip joint, slipped her a ten sawbucks and took her back to your wikiup.”

I thought it was clearly stated that the cops just brushed the drugs aside as, since they were actual drugs that had been missing from their evidence room, it absolutely would not hold up.

The 3 Brothers sequence was some of the most beautiful animation I had ever seen. I could watch a whole movie of that.

No that extra thirty minutes out of an already time crunched life, is not negligible. It is the major factor holding EVs back. When you can fuel up your EV in the same time and manner as a gas car, then we’ll start getting somewhere.

Pretty much every episode after the 4th to me became very formulaic.

I adore Bones so, so much. Especially the first 3-4 seasons; I maintain that the final three episodes of Season 3 (her dad’s trial, the gym coach/wannabe singer, and the last Gormogon episode) are three genuine stand-out episodes of television.

Whatever the root cause was, the last few seasons sucked pretty hard and keeping the two leads separated contributed greatly to that suckage. Kind of a shame too since I did like Molly C. Quinn’s character and she saw more screen time. That could just be me rooting for a fellow ginger, though. 

It looks about 500% more bland/boring to me. The last one looked way better!

It depends on the car but a 2000 Civic Si would work just fine using this method. I see a few other comments stating the exact opposite of this, but I’ve been driving 90's Japanese 4-bangers for a decade and they are all capable of taking off from a standstill in this manner. I’ve taught plenty of people using this

Riverdale is the primary front in the Great Canamerican Maple Syrup War.

I think the kids locked in cages and the people who lost family to Covid found it pretty fucking meaningful. He also undermined our elections and attempted to overthrow the government, which to quote Joe Biden is “A Big Fucking Deal”. I could go on but I’m sick of the fucker. Do not minimize the fucker, shit was not

That’s Juice from Sons of Anarchy to you!

This becomes more frustrating when you are in a lobby trying to sell millions of dollars worth of drugs or guns.