
Counterpoint: It’s none of our fucking business and if the NFL and/or the Steelers are perpetuating a feel good story, our choice is not to buy it. We also have the choice to stop watching.

Because there aren’t countries with better living standards without similar stains, but there are people actively trying to make our country worse via terrorism, espionage, cyber infiltration, and a myriad of other things. Some people are inspired to help stop that. Obviously you aren’t one of those people, but some

I know the pain. In the early 90's in Cincinnati my wife had 1 wheel stolen from her Buick Skyhawk. I could only assume someone with another J-body had a flat and no spare. Otherwise, why steal a basic steel wheel? The lug nuts were missing too. One from each of the other 3 got me to the junkyard for a replacement

Let’s tone down the glee just a tad.

Yeah, you know, it really works. Trump is five INTs-in-a-half bad at presidenting, while Clinton would’ve given us 200 yards, 1 TD, and no picks in presiding over an unexciting but marginally effective bureaucracy that wins games 16-10.

When the UPS guys at the sorting center get replaced by robots they’ll need another way of damaging your package.

Hot blond? If this girl were walking around the mall you wouldn’t give her a second glance. Basic white sorority girl from my point of view.

Yeah, because I’m sure there’s NO Trump supporters playing for the Cubs. Seriously, the politics of one player is pretty irrelevant unless it’s Curt Schilling-level assholery or Kaepernick-esque protest.

I think the C4 is a handsome beast, and underrated in the looks department. Compared to every other Corvette, the styling is much more simple and clean. IMO, its aged well - better than a lot of its contemporaries (even though I LOVE me some 80's cars).

Man, between this and the players asking for a social justice month, I bet the Ginger Hammer is going to be pounding the white zin tonight. After it breathes a little of course, he’s not an animal.

Isn’t South Africa right hand drive? The right side doesn’t look nearly as bad as the left one. Maybe like other have said the took of her belt and tried to walk only to find her injuries preventing it.

Again with the gwaker hive mind. So much hate for people with money.

Twas the night before Christmas,

Truly. I still generally like Banana Republic stuff for the office, but GAP stuff is mostly like, “What if Old Navy clothes were more expensive and less flattering?”

Not until the genocide starts.

If you’re trying to stream something the day after it airs, it’s either pay per episode (e.g. Amazon, iTunes) or has commercials (Hulu, Network apps/websites). Commercial free usually isn’t available until the whole season DVD is out .

I feel like batteries are maybe the ONLY thing in a BB you could have any justifiable need for in an emergency, but people being bastards, you can bet that as soon as those doors are broken down, people will be making beelines for everything BUT batteries. TVs, computers, and whatever else they can carry. They can

I’ll call it Looting when I see people swimming around with bigscreen TVs... . These people are scavenging for survival. Sheesh.

Its probably big series. Is Transformers money in this, because he would have got a ton of bonuses from it. It opened huge overseas and he was already famous enough he had more negotiating power than the Star Wars kids.

I got one of those trim style razor/trimmer combo things. Have yet to cut myself with it. I’m pretty anti pouring hot wax on my lady parts, so the trimmer is perfect for my needs.
I think it’s helpful to use a product that is actually made for that purpose, and also be sober while doing it.