
This will be a tough challenge, citizen. On one robotic hand, people watched her streams because of the sex appeal she has, the main selling point of watching her streams, much like people enjoyed watching me get blown to pieces by small arms fire.

The good old fashion “Don’t talk shit unless you can do better yourself” logic. Never really got that frame of mind to be honest.

While Pewdiepie didn’t like it, Arin and Ross seem to be enjoying it on Steam Train.

Just checked and I did get a key - I must have missed the email about it, so my fault :-)

Hang on... I didn’t get a copy and I backed this. I’d better go and have a look at Kickstarter.

Felix “Pewdiepie” Kjellberg also played the game, and he did not like it at all.

I do remember that.

Hey Kirk, remember when I was laying odds on how quick we were gonna get this comment?

Grow a dick. This is why she doesn’t like you. You don’t have a dick. I’m sure this “C” guy gives it to her like she dishes it out and that’s what she craves. I’m just amazed someone can be this dickless. Call it love, call it sex, but let’s call a spade a spade - you need to alpha up your beta game. Praise Jebus I’ve

For the same reason why people go back to abusive parters. It can take a while to recognize how bad a situation is, and even then, you’ve got the emotional equivalent of the sunk-cost fallacy, feelings of self-worth and the hope that if you do the exact right things, everything will be better and this will be an

How does someone write a letter like that without already buying a plane ticket?

See, this is the problem I have for this “defense” of polygamy. It’s not that you choose to live this lifestyle or naturally prefer the lifestyle, but you treat it as if it makes you superior because you’re making a separation between two things that others do not.

Agreed. Being Poly is fine. If you want to be Poly be Poly. Nobody cares. Just please stop talking about my monogamous life like I’m doing it wrong.

It ruins lives man. It hurts everyone, destroys people. I won’t assume you are serious but whether you are or not, your ‘advice’ is poor.

Some people have trouble separating sex from love and other people seem to have trouble separating emotional vulnerability with sex/love.


And if you can’t find a steaming hot woman, there are loads of streaming hot women on the internet. Heads up though, either way: they both want your credit card.

Oh shit how can I not reply.

“Sluts it up”

found the redditor, delete facebook, lawyer up and dump her, ami’right?