
In my opinion, integrity is how you act when it doesn’t matter just as much as when it does.

I suppose the problem I have here is the idea that a woman who streams must cover up if she happens to be buxom, else she will be termed a “titty streamer.”

Once again we find that freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences. Even though this happened in Japan this reminder is still relevant:

I don’t feel compelled to defend anyone. I’m just mocking the idea that this site has turned into a dumbass racist circle jerk.

“No, no, sir. Let’s make this actually accurate. Let’s say black people are actively racist towards you, shitting on you for having white skin. Let’s say openly for 300 years, pretty openly for another 100 or so, then on the down low but still pretty regularly on you for the rest. Excuse my ignorance of precise

I’m not sure which is funnier, your post or all the responses that could not recognize such an amazing display of sarcasm. Hats off to you sir.

There are two definitions of criticism, and you are demonstrating the incorrect one if you really are a fan and want Kotaku to improve:

You really are working hard to frame their actions in less objectionable ways in this post.

All anyone can do is react to the information they are given and in this case the developer AGREES with the nay-sayers that the facial animations weren’t up to standards. In a world where Mass Effect: Andromeda will exist as a broken buggy mess forevermore people should be cautious about these things.

In this particular case I’d say its reasonable to defend Doc. He’s basically method acting a character. Its entertainment. I don’t think PlayerUnknown ever felt threatened. Sucks it hit a nerve but if he needed to take it to private chat to hash it out with the twitch streamer I suspect they could’ve worked it out.

I know that this is probably fundamentally going to be a sprite-dump side project while they work on a new BlazBlue series on UE4, but I really hope they can manage to cram a few more series in there. Arc System Works owns Kunio-kun and Double Dragon now, so it really feels like we could get a big ASW crossover game

Since wearing gloves while distributing food is apparently now racist, was Twitter equally quick to drag this racist?

The rest of the statement that occurred right after the optimal clickbait-followed-by-the-most-facile-analysis-possible point came and went.

You evidently don’t have a working understanding of where paychecks come from, if you legitimately believe that direct profit-sharing is the core of the “hey, support the damned devs” argument.

Products are not created in a vacuum. They require capital, and that capital either has to come from investors (which it often

Wow, how childish can you be? I said nothing against Sony and you get super defensive and start attacking me. Truth is there were a bunch of trailers that did show nothing about the games themselves this year at E3. Maybe if he had fool control you would be back on a leash instead of attacking anybody who said

You are under the assumption modders do it to have fans. No, they do it usually because they thought of an idea that they would like to see implemented into a game they love. Sometimes, this is also to show some of their work to companies hiring. None of them make money off of this and they owe you nothing. In fact,

I teach the stuff for a living; picking up on style is second nature.

That said, it’s not exactly difficult to distinguish one author’s voice from another, provided you’re not so busy congratulating yourself for your enviably erudite understanding of the world that you forget to actually read the material in front of

Okay, you’re too nice to needle you about the Starbucks comment. Continue on.

To all the people who think they’re better than gamers who whine and complain and try to act smart by saying : “Because it’s beta.. you don’t understand what beta is..”

Gamers should complain, bitch and whine cause guess what? That’s what beta is for in the 1st place! You’re the ones who don’t understand what beta is

So this seems a lot like Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus. which I dug the hell out of. Count me in. Also...that framerate! Woot!