
Whew! It's a good thing Ocean City isn't on fire anymore. I was beginning to wonder if that place was ever going to recover.

Nah. He’s busy...

Ha! Fusion/Gem joke!

Cool another “hero” droid to add to the long line of murder bots that all the Star Wars droids are...

You meant “rip out his throat.” Right?

Dust? Pollen? Rebecca Sugar ripping your heart out?

People used to pay to watch train wrecks. This is just...sad.

Wowzers another great episode from the Crewniverse! Garnet/Stevonnie duet and more of Ruby and Sapphire please.

The title will be "Garnet: Master of Comedy"

It just doesn’t seem right without this little guy...


I thought they already did that...

Nah. The Law Offices of Satan, Beelzebub, and Azazel LLC. changed their name centuries ago. It’s these guys now...

Nah. The Law Offices of Satan, Beelzebub, and Azazel LLC. changed their name centuries ago. It’s these guys now...

My understanding of the the comics and other media is that they are all considered a 2nd-level canon unless events on the show contradict it. So "Too Cool for School" and "Guide to the Crystal Gems" are canon (and are both excellent books/graphic novels)…

From what I got from the story was the Peridot/Lapis shippers wanted to see the relationship in the episode, didn't get what they wanted, then proceeded to harass Ms. Zuke right off Twitter. I hope she at least keeps up the Peridot account and her other social media stuff. She's extremely talented and I looked

This guy does...