
Please stop even using this horrible term. Showing up and doing your job (and nothing more) is meeting your work obligations. It shouldn’t even be a discussion.

As long as those events make it clear that’s the policy before selling tickets, that’s fine.  It’s another thing to give people a false sense of safety and then pull the rug out after they’ve paid and registered.

“face coverings must fit snugly and properly, fully covering your nose and mouth, and secure under your chin.”

EVERYONE always seems to miss the ‘well regulated militia’ part. Whenever regulations come up, the people who masturbate to guns, start to scream and cry that their rights are being taken away. They also miss the meaning of ‘militia’ Defined as - military organization of citizens with limited military training, which

Ha, you must love the smell of your own farts. Christ, the self-entitlement of this dumb take smells from here.

I don’t remember the specific issue that prompted it, but I remember being in a situation where something unexpected and odd happened in front of mysef and some strangers who were a little younger than me. Everyone looked at me, as though waiting for me to make a decision about what to do/say next. It then hit me that

Now playing

This game is the source of one of my favorite weird gaming tidbits: The time that the devs had to nerf a gun’s sound for the sake of balance.

Or you know just set your windows PC to automatically run Windows Update. For a home user there are VERY few reasons not to leave it on automatic updates. For enterprise and commercial users it’s a bit of a different story as some updates could affect certain specialized industry specific programs.

Yeah, I’m much more of a fan of the double and thirty method, personally. Memorizing two numbers to get a close-enough guess for human habitation is significantly easier than memorizing, effectively, eight numbers that only give you good benchmarks.

I read alot of people saying the same thing in the comments on the previous article but we really do need these remakes or at the very least graphics and tech updates like Nightdive does.

I’ve learned to better accept compliments, but I also don’t think they should be given too often, especially in professional settings. There is a popular conception that millennials like to have constant feedback at work. It seems like the large corporation I work for started pushing this philosophy out to managers

Sounds like less crunch and better working conditions for devs, I’m on board.

A shorter game doesn’t mean worse quality (e.g Rocket League, Journey, Firewatch, Portal, Super Hot etc). Better graphics don’t make a better game. People who are paid more to work less are happier, and more productive when they are working.


No, the criticism is not warranted. We live in an age where games with Atari graphics win awards. Graphics didn’t matter much then and they matter less now. Gaming is about, ya know, PLAYING a game. I honestly think reviewers should begin refusing to factor graphics into a score except in one circumstance only: the

If I were trying to make an actual point I would probably look at polling on concrete policies and issues. “Capitalism” and “socialism” have real meanings, but for a lot of people it boils down to “Capitalism is when you work for a living, socialism is government handouts.” It’s not a useful question to ask.

So first and fore most, provided we are talking about games that came out after about 2005, and honestly most games from 2000. They tend to just work in Windows. It’s a little more hit and miss heading back into the 90's, and DOS games generally you want to use an emulator.

There is seldom a ton of work needed these

Removing them as an equipable item, making them never drop anymore and not making any new ones, and re-allocating the belt inventory to other things really sounds like “removing” them to me.

what is it about the cute animal game made for babies that triggers such anger among adult nerds


Freezing meats in those styrofoam trays pretty much guarantees freezer burn. Need to repack the stuff in heavier plastic bags. Chicken breast at $3.35 is a bit rich when you can get it at Walmart or Aldi’s for $1.99 pound. It’s not processed or packed at Walmart; it gets shipped in from the big meat-processing plants

If they do that, then they’ll just get a bunch of people bitching about how Square just released ROMs and used an existing emulator. There’s no winning for them.