Shuffling the Deck

That doll is supposed to be a villain in a Tyler Perry movie.

In one post on Gab before the shooting, Clark described himself as the “Meth-Smoking, Pipe bomb making, mailman-murding . . . Che Guevara of the altright,” according to court docs.

This shtick is getting tired.  Get new shtick.  

The copy editor didn’t do the right thing.

Our cruelest DHS Secretary in decades was fired for not being cruel enough. This is who we are now, America.

Be the guy who doesn’t go along to get along with nazis. 

The letterhead is a bit suspect too.

Mr. Lewis, a Republican, represents Minnesota’s Second Congressional District. He was defeated for re-election last week.

We will never be the “good guy with a gun.” The 2nd amendment was never written “for us” it was written to protect “them” from “us.” 

The NRA is going to be SO ANGRY when they find out the cops shot a good guy with a gun oh man I can’t wait to hear this epic takedown

I’ve posted this before, but to reiterate: Ms. Abrams is performing an invaluable service to every American who wants free and fair elections, even if she doesn’t win. Every single criminal voter suppression technique employed in Georgia needs to be highlighted and investigated, and if it takes months, so be it. She

Coal is dead and nothing will bring it back. It wasn’t killed by Democrats, it was killed by capitalism.

Not to mention that they’re going to have to wait while the Sherrif’s department carts the machines in and out constantly.

In fairness comparing him to a sack of shit is an insult to shit; at least something beautiful can be grown from soil fertilised with shit.

She was just being a prick. 

But on a plus side... he got a thumbs up from his boss.

Fun fact, in case the President wants to visit our(5,000+) troops stationed in Iraq, it’s only around a 6 to 7 hour flight from Paris as opposed to the 17 hour flight from Washington DC.

Children do stupid things but that doesn’t mean they should be excused for doing horrific shit like this. I would never have done something like this as a kid.

I accept your suspicion.