Another fun fact! I can dismiss people who just throw insults and don’t add to a discussion!
Another fun fact! I can dismiss people who just throw insults and don’t add to a discussion!
Fun fact: if this guy impedes or ends the Mueller investigation, the House can just hire him to continue the investigation for them - using most of the same resources. He can retain his subpoena powers, his security clearances, and he’d have the bonus evidence of being fired to add to the obstruction case. The House ca…
You need a better hobby.
how can you tell?? I need a breakdown here. Or is it all 5th dimensional chess now?
This is perhaps the dumbest hot take I’ve ever read on Splinter.
So this is what Splinter deems as meaningful commenting? Got it.
His vote counts the same as, say, Dianne Feinstein’s.
Yet, I’m still grey. It’s a kooky world this.
Shut up and die in a dusty corner. The world will not notice your passing.
I mean, persistence can be an admirable quality in some contexts, but there’s a limit!
If Tomatoface shot himself tomorrow, the world would not miss him.
This is like watching a fish flopping around on the bottom of a boat. The purge hit this guy pretty hard.
Well you have to know how government works before you can appreciate its changes.
Taking 7 Governor’s mansions last night was absolutely massive. 22 Dems vs 25 GOP is soooooooooo much more palatable than 16 Dems vs 33 GOP.....
Badger badger badger TOMATO badger badger badger
I suspect no one told him what actually happened, and they stole his phone and locked the TVs to old Apprentice reruns.
Obligatory nuke the site from orbit.
Obligatory let them fight.
I’m more than a little bit worried that Democrats are going to win a bunch of symbolic victories (We beat the Bigfoot Erotica Nazi! And the gay-marriage license lady!) and come a few seats short of actually flipping anything. It’ll mean two more years of horribleness setting us up for a Trump win in 2020, fucked up…