Shuffling the Deck

I’m going to include this article in "Everything Is Incredibly Stupid".

I always remember this quote from Donal Logue:

I’m sure Don Jr. also advocated for headlines about Charlottesville that read “White U.S. Citizen Arrested in Connection With Running Car Into Crowd Leaving 1 Dead.”

You know that's not an actual quote, right? 

Wasn't it just a month ago that Trump decided to talk publicly about an off-the-record meeting with A.G. Sulzberger?

One small step for American, one giant leap for Americankind.

Bad take.

I'm pretty sure that person is a troll. Encountered them yesterday and it's pretty clear they know absolutely nothing about sports. They can't get basic stuff right and act like everyone else are the ones that are idiots.

My point being that baseball does not have the same rule. Such as rules on how long you need to "possess" the ball and what "moves" you need to do before it's considered a move.

An outfielder makes a catch and instantly throws to home plate and it bounces before making it to the catcher. Does that make it no longer a catch since the outfielder no longer possesed the ball?

“I have a sister who is like that, to a much lesser degree, but she never takes responsibility, never apologizes, everything is always someone else’s fault, and if you ever try to bring up something she did that hurt you, she has a fucking melt down and all of a sudden it’s you who is the horrible person.”

Florida voters are to smart

ANTIFA is not a group of “anti-fascists” it is a group of VIOLENT FRINGE ppl out to stir up trouble”

Romania 1947, 25 July: Three Romanian terrorists kill an aircrew member aboard a Romanian airliner.[15] This is regarded as the first aircraft hijack resulting in a fatality.”

Dude, you're putting way to much effort into making yourself look like a dumbass. You asked for links, provided the links yourself, and completely miscomprehended those links. 

to not look like a total piece of shit”


I guess no one likes Whitney.

Sure, they’re in different positions. But, criticizing someone for doing the exact same thing that you’re doing is hypocritical. It’s not hard to grasp.