Shuffling the Deck


Of course I would. In fact, I shared one yeasterday.

Tomatoes are growing on his grave.

It's a troll. Check out their comment history. They've had a busy day.

the man is a pathological manipulator, liar. I didn’t know that.”

This is a hot mess of a comment, even for you Cali.

Speaking spanglish in nyc is common.”

I don’t understand how Bandita ever got out of the greys and still is ungreyed. They're constantly spouting derogatory shit about Asians and the most ridiculous statements that are so easy to see through.

I don't give a shit, but I don't shit on those that do. 

It all just seems like a coordinated 4chan effort in response to Roseanne. The same type of thing that they did to Joy Reid. They go through ever record of a liberal activist’s statements until they find something offensive and try to equate that to a conservative constantly spewing offensive ideas. It’s a win-win for

Indicted Airlines

Posting two dick pix is rude.

Taxi cabs? Did he really just try to make a traffic jam joke?

The season as a whole was pretty lackluster, but Kiksuya was easily the best episode of the entire series.

I’m so sorry to hear that. It's a devastating drug.

Damn, I heard she had relapsed. Overdoses are common when someone relapses because they do as much heroine as before they got sober, but their bodies can't handle it. Hope she pulls through.

I can't use my pirated copy of Infinity War to kill someone.

This was my attempt at making a joke about not understanding multisyllabic words. It was a poor attempt.