
It's the same in the UK. I know someone who was wrongly accused of being in possession of child porn. The police come to the door and confiscated every single piece of computer equipment. The poor bastard has no choice but to buy a new PC. 18 months later, the police say 'sorry for all this, we found nothing'. He

No, he made up lots of it. Do some more reading on it.

I'm betting confidently you don't know the definition of 'metrosexual'.

Parties at your place must be a riot. You're not Monica Geller, are you?

I once vomited from after drinking a litre of JD. The only thing I had consumed beforehand was a strawberry milkshake. The image of what resulted on the way up was slightly disgusting but still something I'm proud of.

If he was thinking like an Irishman, he wouldn't have been drinking fucking milk in the first place. :)

What the fuck kind of beer are you drinking that looks like that? :)

Of course a time limit is required. Otherwise I'm beer the king having consumed thousands of pints of the stuff.

I've never seen it for sale on my side of the pond, but I have heard of it. I assume it's a US only thing? Another St Patrick's day tradition that your neighbours over the pond look upon with bemused, quizzical expressions?

Keep my head buried? That it's supposed to be apocalyptic weather yet it's clearly happened before over 70 years ago? If industry and green house gases are to blame for this year, what's the excuse for the 30s?

Why would someone buy something from you on eBay that they can just get new?

Superman isn't shitting himself while he's up there. Although it's highly likely this guy was also wearing two pairs of underwear. Close enough, I guess.

Re-entering what? He's not going into space.

I'm still on the 1st gen iPad. The two following models have been incremental improvements and offered nothing that make me want to upgrade. Sure, I was enticed by the iPad 2 being thinner, lighter and able to use the smart cover, but those improvements weren't worth the increased cost. Just like the improvements in

Suicide is their way of protest. Westerners choose to stand outside with signs. Different ways of doing the same thing. There are companies in every country where employees are unhappy working there. Why single Foxconn out?

"...the working conditions at foxconn are horrible and we should push for better conditions" How do you know? Do you have first-hand experience or are you going by all the media stories? If it's the latter, I'm sure the point of this article is wasted on you.

Funny and factual. My favourite type of comedy. :)

" they don't look like fools" Everyone with that accent sounds like a fool. It makes them sound as if they use the words 'like' and 'whatever' considerably more than necessary. They also tend to raise the inflection of their voice at the end of sentences like everything is a question. It's my most hated accent on

Why's it a problem now when it clearly also happened in the 30s? It's done it before and it'll likely do it again. Start worrying when it's happening every day.

Maybe he's just started getting stoned in private? If you had a wife who looked like that and was so miserable to complain about laughing, you'd have to start taking something to get by, surely?