
I'd say neither of those apply to his type of game.

This. Just last night I was playing with a friend and I had two military units on an island city state that only covered 5 tiles. I completely forgot I was still at war with them and they just let my units sit there. Didn't do anything. I constantly amass armies on AI borders and they do nothing to defend themselves.

He also states that Sony make it easier to pirate a movie than watch it legally. Am I expected to believe that he holds that opinion and hasn't actually pirated movies? If so, why not games?

He's perfectly entitled to experiment with his own stuff if he's sure he's not going to use it for piracy. Announcing your achievement to the hacking community and how it was done, not so helpful to the industry.

"Wololo elaborated that the weakness was not in the Vita's system, but rather, in the PSP emulator. " Could we be saying goodbye to backwards compatibility on another Sony system soon?

If you mean a P3 machine rather than the chip itself, I'm sure there are charities out there who would be happy to send such a machine to Africa or somewhere.

Most people only use a handful of apps on a regular basis. You'll see similar app start-up speeds by having enough RAM that the majority of the code is cached.

You and you're friend sit around comparing the CPU speed in your machines? Seriously?

Pft, no phoney worth his salt starts with Albert, especially in the UK. It's normally 'did you know a John' or 'Dave'. Everyone knew a John or Dave at some point. Hell, walk into room with more than 4 people in it and there's a good chance there's John or Dave in there. I can't believe these people actually believe

Ooh, that's a mistake in the US. As soon as you use the word "terrorist" within 50 miles of an airport, you're screwed. Don't you feel safer?

Or in most cases, fly first class and get real cutlery easily.

I don't why they bother with these techniques. The only thing you're going to catch is idiotic, poorly-trained terrorists who are unlikely to be a danger to anyone anyway. Anyone determined to get past security measures will usually find a way. Then they come up with new security measures that take care of the new

Who actually takes photos or videos with their iPad? I saw an older guy doing it once and it honestly made me chuckle. It looks bloody ridiculous.

Believe me, it is awesome. I have all my movies & TV Shows stored on a PC which is served up by Plex on a Mac Mini and it's the dogs bollocks. I get a nice, slick interface on Plex which shows me the cover art, info about the show/movie and which files I've watched. It also remembers where I was for every single file

My major reason is having access to digital magazines (which look fantastic and beat paper versions in almost every way) and being able to view my Plex media library anywhere in the house (or outside it with WiFi). There's no comparison to being able to watch what I want, where I want. That's been worth the cost for

That's a poorly thought out opinion. I like having access to my eBooks, digitial magazines or Media library anywhere in the house. Mine gets constant use and it rarely leaves the house. Portable doesn't mean outside.

I know people who pay a medium to come and talk to their dead friends and relatives. I have no respect for those people. The medium also hates to run into me because he doesn't like that I know he's a fraud. It makes him rightfully uncomfortable.

I strongly doubt an activation server uses GlobalIP lookup. Which country are you referring to exactly where EA products aren't sold?

You get nutcases on any subject. Religion just seems to have more than it's fair share, for some reason.