
Blu-Ray is already an established high density medium which is dropping in price. You don't think Microsoft would be stupid enough to try to launch a competing format against one already established, do you?

If you're not buying games, I'm pretty sure Microsoft won't mind losing you as a customer. They are a business, after all. Software licensing makes money for console manufacturers, not hardware.

As he said, it's worked for PC, so why not consoles?

Based on one article of unconfirmed rumour, you've determined the destiny of a game platform? You should charge money for that gift.

Supply and demand. It's a simple principal. Why lower the price when it's selling very well at the existing price?

Why would you be interested in buying a new console just to play games you can already play on existing hardware?

"You create a system that has just about one year to make money on the hardware." You clearly don't understand the economics of the market whatsoever. Very few companies make a profit in the early years. It generally takes time for a system to become profitable. I suggest a little research on the topic.

Am I the only who thinks "anti-used game device" means digital only distribution? That's where the industry is headed and it's the only theoretical solution, unless you include a one time activation code with every single game, which doesn't seem likely to me.

Another reason why I feel Microsoft struck gold with Achievements. I can look through my gaming history on the platform at a glance and get an idea of how much time I put into a game. Not only that, but I can compare against other friends and see if they've played the same game and how they did. Such a simple idea

They charge what the market will support. People are used to paying certain prices and companies are used to certain profits. If they can produce something cheaper, they're not about to lower the price so you can get a saving, they'll just enjoy higher profits. It's how business works.

They're the fastest there is, by quite a margin. Unless Microsoft have been researching a replacement without anyone knowing, you're getting DVD or Digital only.

And just what do you suggest that will offer faster streaming from optical media?

Why? Points already cost differing amounts in different regions.

The difference being that Microsoft is in a healthy enough financial position to weather such a situation. Sony is not.

Microsoft have done it once. This would be fail two for Sony after the PS2 laser debacle.

Why? It was fine for months.

They might bring down, but they're not bringing down the LIVE service itself through DOS attacks or anything else petite like that. I don't know why they even bother, to be honest. It's nothing but a momentary annoyance for the sysadmins and only serves to make the scriptkiddies think they're 'L33t' and give

Anomaly, in my opinion. I've flown many times in recent times and only once was I asked to scan my shoes and even then, it was random selection after security.

Personally, I find that much more respectable than displaying numbers in the hundreds or, god forbid, even thousands.

I guess the designers didn't expect someone to randomly friend hundreds of people that they then suddenly decided to remove en masse.