
I believe you're wrong on that.

"They might not end up ahead of PS3 by the end" They're ahead in total sales and they're consistently the top selling console recently their market share continues to grow. How do you foresee Sony catching up and then overtaking? Unless Sony start giving consoles away with cereal, I don't see how Microsoft won't

I'm assuming you haven't paid attention to amount of US only stuff Sony offer too, right? What bounty of features does the PS3 offer us Europeans? Because from where I'm standing, it's hovering right around the fuck all features too.

If someone has this idea at all, in game or otherwise, it leads me to believe this won't be the last media coverage we see about him in his life. I wouldn't turn my fucking back for two seconds to someone like him.

You've got the love that attitude. They've had way more failures than successes with their proprietary media formats and customers have been perfectly clear how they feel about it, yet they just keep going.

Do you have any idea how badass your hero must have looked to the people of Skyrim, chasing a Dragon, taunting it because it won't fight? :)

I find it very annoying that I've come across numerous objects in my travels that I now can't store. It says they're quest related and I have no clue what that quest might be or where to start it. I don't want to have to look it up. I'm also stuck with a Scroll that weighs 20 and I'm pretty sure I'm done with it but I

I guess that sort of makes sense. Surely they can track the spending against each user? They must have some idea of the income. Otherwise that's a pretty shitty way of running things.

Two of my passions are technology and guitars. Those are two of the biggest markets for brand warriors I've ever seen. I don't think there's any other markets out there where companies take a good majority of the customers for suckers and the customers are the only ones who don't know.

" has no idea how much money it has actually made from those sales" Either that's the biggest helping of bullshit ever delivered or they're the worse run company on the planet.

If you're being pedantic, Twitter is a service, not a web site.

And your evidence for this "average age" is..?

Nice try, I've been a software developer for the last 12 years. I've got no desire to continue this debate with you. Good day Sir.

If paying customers don't agree with the DRM, the only option is to vote with your wallet and NOT buy it in the first place. Going out and stealing it instead is NOT an option and only increases the DRM problem any way. Some PC gamers have brought this problem on themselves. If they hadn't started stealing games, DRM

I know exactly how BitTorrent works. Both sites I looked at are using private trackers. Those are people sharing the file from those sites only. It doesn't matter if you pull that "people stealing it might not have bought it" bullshit. You have no idea how many of those people WOULD have bought it. You're just another

How are developers "forced" to support two versions? Do you understand the differences involved in creating an executable for each version and what internal differences the two have? I'm assuming you're not a software developer?

The copies I have here have both versions on one disc. A quick look at Amazon shows that you buy the level of product you want, not what architecture, suggesting that both versions are supplied. OEM customers aren't an issue since they are provided with the best version that is compatible with their CPU. Why would

Shitty answer that doesn't really deserve a response, but here's one anyway. I didn't say I was trying to prove the 95% figure. I'm saying I went to just ONE of the hundreds of sources for pirated games out there and there was a sizeable figure sharing it. You're talking about a good few tens of thousands of people

"small section"? I just had a look at one torrent site and at the moment, 4500 people are sharing Skyrim. That's just one site. Even at 30 bucks a copy, that's nearly 150,000 that could have been income. I think maybe you're underestimating the level of piracy out there. These people aren't just pulling these figures

Except Microsoft can detect that and you'd have to give up LIVE access to do so. You've got way more to lose by pirating on console. In my experience, I know dozens of people how use a 360 and no-one has a modified console.