
30fps is a deal breaker for buying games now? What utter bullshit.

Which would be illegal.

If the disc is in perfect order, what difference does it make if someone's opened the box or not? None, that's what difference it makes.

Surely it's not legal to sell something used without stating that it's so on the product itself?

The tiny horse! Stop giving Bethesda ideas. They'll release it as DLC and I'll have to buy it.

What do you do with valuable items when there's nowhere to sell it or the local store is out of gold?

Good luck with that email to support. "Dear Sir/Madam. I have filled my house with cheese. Now the game keeps crashing..."

Then make potions...

Nothing wrong with grabbing every ingredient you see. Those things make potions and they're as good as good.

I keep everything that the local store doesn't have gold to buy right now, but I put it in a bloody chest, I don't just leave it laying around. How awkward would it be to find and pick up something you wanted in that mess of shit? I'd love to see the playtest documents on this game to see what the maximum number of

Maybe you're just unlucky. Shipment was the only place I ever had to deal with random 'nades. and now and then in black ops, but even then solving the issue was as simple as wearing a flak jacket.

The chances of you being killed by a random anything is ridiculously slim. That one in thousands chance was enough to stop you playing a game?

What's your problem and need to make some snide comment about Valve every time someone mentions them, or in my case the other day, even when they don't?

Pretty sure it must be 60. It says so right there in that screenshot up there.

Might want to mention that this is US only. As fucking always.

I agree with you. Modding does make a difference.

Paddlin' the school canoe...

Why did you even bring Valve into this? Also, it's far from bullshit to throw an unoriginality claim at Nintendo.

I think Nintendo are trying to take the "embarrassing arrogance" crown from Sony. It didn't work for them and it's not working for Nintendo. It's not the best game of all time and it's not even the best Nintendo game of all time. Is this really the best shit he could think up to say?

I own the game. I'm perfectly aware of what each mode is. I'd say the majority of people just built fantastic things in the game. It's more interesting to most people than survival mode.