
I wouldn't. I'd actually paid for the game to pick up in store. I checked out a couple of reviews and then called to cancel. I later rented it and couldn't be happier that I didn't spend the money on it. I thought it was a terrible game.

Interesting and everything, but what's this got to do with the price of the Vita..?

I believe sales tax, which is the equivalent of our VAT, changes from state to state, with a handful of states not having any, I believe. I don't believe it's ever above 20%. There's usually a couple of taxes added on, but from memory, I think it's between 10 and 15 percent. I'm sure wikipedia would clear it up for

Prove to who? Who cares?

People want/need this because they don't want to be tied down to proprietary ways of charging their devices. If you lose or break your apple stuff, you don't have to pay out and wait for a replacement, you can just use any other charger cables laying around. It's not just for convenience, it's benefiting the consumer

No, I pre-order games because I want to join in on the fun with my friends. The same thing doesn't apply to a phone.

Well, it's not really reasonable. Having literally thousands of bugs with 3 weeks to go is perfectly normal. None of the bugs I've seen are show-stoppers and therefore, not high priority issues. If I'd ever worked on a project where the bug list was practically empty with 3 weeks until release, my life would be

That's exactly my point. People can't wait a few weeks to get a phone? They need it now?

As opposed to the humanity and respect lions show when they kill and tear open their prey, right? The same respect they'd show you if they came across you in the wilderness?

Pre-ordering a phone? People are so impatient to have a slightly different phone, or even a new phone, that they must have it immediately? There's something a little sad about that.

Why are people scrambling over themselves for this phone? Unless I've missed something, isn't it a very small upgrade over the iPhone 4 and essentially the same phone?

360 users will be playing away will you're still watching your install screen creep along paaaiiinnnfuullly slowly.

I'll take multiple discs over mandatory installs and slow read speeds any day, thank you very much.

Are you seriously implying you were unhappy at bugs in a beta? Do you even know what a beta is? I'm sensing the answer is 'no'.

I've been gaming since the early 80s. I used to set up PCs in people's houses back in the early 90s and we did it because we had no choice. Anyone carrying a console to someone's house now is weird and nothing more.

Adding LAN support would increase the shelf life of a console game substantially? How delusional are you? Who the fuck is carrying consoles round to people's houses in this day and age? Not substantial numbers of people, that's for damn sure.

Nice to see Limmy get exposure. It's still relevant, as I understand he's a big gamer. He's maybe even reading this right now. :)

Day 2 glitches in an NBA 2k game? Shocking! My copy is one it's way and I pray to f**k I'm not about to have My Player be a big, buggy pile of shite again.

Another 'feature' limited to North America, right?

Any phone I've bought in Denmark, I buy fully unlocked without involving a phone company and use my existing sim. Those phones do whatever the phone is capable of, depending on the network you're connecting to. I'd imagine a phone capable of 4G would connect at 4G if your network provider has a 4G network. I guess it