
If your solution, as you stated, is to “buy a new iPhone,” then no, you’re obviously not impacted, and you refuse to understand that that isn’t an option for everyone.

So, because it doesn’t impact you, there’s no value?

Whelp, I’m glad you’re not in charge of consumer protection anywhere.

Why is not wanting your product to not be actively hindered by the manufacturer unreasonable? What if every car over 5 years old was limited to 65 MPH because as engines get older, fuel economy goes down so the cars are governed to preserve driver experience?

Right, because humans can only ever focus on one thing at a time.

Just so we’re don’t want YouTube controlling what you can and can’t see, but you want there to be a law defining what Fire Departments can and can’t say?

What they mean is the camera continuously records in a loop, so by hitting record, it will save the last few seconds permanently, instead of re-using that memory for the next loop. Much easier than predicting the moment of a lightning strike.

Yo, most of us don’t have the capabilities to watch video.

I’m not Mr. Important at all. (I made a request, not a demand.)

Culling republicans might actually make america great again.

Judging by the shots in the trailer it probably goes like this: Peter has head down (sleeping cause he’s out all night webslinging), spidey sense alerts him, he sees the thing first then everyone else notices it after him—that’s when we get the shot of everyone else looking out the window.

I can’t wait for the threads touting those series, so I can swoop in and talk about how uninteresting they are to me.

Y’know, I don’t really get these types of posts. Obviously you cared enough about this to click on it, watch it and then comment on it.

I’m more tickled by the idea of a bunch of 20-something dudes who want to drink some beers and watch a horror movie on a Saturday night sitting down and after about 30 minutes starting to wonder “when the hell does this snowman turn into a killer?”

Everything is connected. Quick over-generalized example: fewer people working means fewer people going out to buy cars.

People use Facebook for free then complain about losing privacy

Yet the UK overall has far less crime than the US.

The problem, fundamentally, is your average American/Westerner is too sedentary, eats far too much junk food and lives a life with far too much stress, not to mention any problems you’ll run into from alcohol/tobacco/drug abuse.

Remember when you were a kid and you would carve any sort of stick or piece of wood into something with a point on it?