
“Brother Kanye”? 

I’m actually really happy right now. You simply remind me of my younger brother. He’s a smart person. But since we’re diving into personal attacks and out-of-context gotcha tactics, this discussion is running out of steam. So, yeah, historical fact is not equal to the imaginary ideas seen in fiction, which you can and

That is a very out of context quote, no? Not giving a shit about a canon some board room gave their stamp to and caring about defending my right to enjoy something however the fuck I want are too completely different things. How old are you, by the way? Genuinely curious.

Right, but you’re talking about real people and real events that actually happened and comparing it to a made up, bullshit fictional timeline that was created just to placate fans. None of it exists. It’s a fucking fictional world. Donald Trump is not imaginary. He’s not made to entertain you. Zelda is something a

I disagree with your point. For the record The Last Jedi isn’t canon for me, the EU is. I see what you’re trying to say, but I do not agree with the concept of corporations making decisions for my imagination, especially in cases where the original creators are probably not involved any more than signing off on these

Everybody brings up the monkeys writing Shakespeare but it doesn’t mean what you think it means, and doesn’t apply to this kind of situation.

Batman has an origin story? I’ve never seen it represented in any media anywhere ever at all. 

Kind of hard to “die on a hill” for believing something anonymously over the internet. “Not my throwaway video game comments section reputation! Anything but that!”

A bazillion times this.

Yes he does. It’s as simple as deciding not to care about it. I agree with him. And there’s nothing you can do about it! The timeline is stupid and I have the suspicion it was put together as an afterthought without much a shit given by Miyamoto or his successors. 

You know, I really disagree with her attacks on that woman and I’m glad she got canned, but can we all at least acknowledge that she PROBABLY didn’t actually know she was black? I believe that part. Just look up pictures of the lady she was attacking: how the hell would you ever think she’s black without explicitly

Nintendo just isn’t very good at playing the “get you pumped” game. Even with the Switch, nobody was really sure if Nintendo had a hit or a flop on their hand until after it released. With this year’s E3, they stuck to their guns and only showed things that they think are coming out relatively soon. They shouldn’t do

Here’s one I really liked, actually: Metroid: Zero Mission. 3/4 in, it becomes a stealth game. And that was also great! 

Ain’t nothing wrong with some good camp! Heck, the Marvel movies are super campy and they do just fine.

Yeah, the interactive bowl rig is where it’s at.

I didn’t even read the article. I just watched the clip on the front page. Had no idea I was looking at a modern movie shot digitally— I actually thought I was watching an 80s Irish film. So to each his own, but I thought they did pretty well with it, which is not something I usually say. Usually, I’d agree with you.

Yeah..... it’s not 1935. Yet. But it’s good to keep our eyes peeled for it.

That’s just stupid. Of course Lost was about mysteries. Abrams uses it as one of his examples of a “mystery box”, for crying out loud. The problem is, the mysteries never got satisfying endings and the writers confused themselves into incoherence. It’s an unbelievable deflection to say “Lost” wasn’t about the

And that’s okay with you?

Not that I agree with the OP, but is tit-for-tat retribution really the key to anyone being treated right? “This sex did this wrong thing so we should do THIS wrong thing” sounds like the exact opposite of how anything was ever peacefully resolved in history, ever.