In an attempt at relevancy, Republican presidential candidate Bobby Jindal published a blog post on his campaign…
How can you tell? Most babies look the same to me. I can’t tell if they look nice until they’re quite a bit older.
Eff all of it. You know how much I gained during my first pregnancy? 52 lbs. Fiftygoddamntwo. My What To Expect book had a heart attack, I swear. Kid is going to be 6 in June. Do I care how much weight I gained with her? No. Does it affect my life in any way now? No. Do I wish I ate more salad? Fuck to the no.
In this ninth circle of social media hell where most of us reside, we all deal with a fair amount of oversharing.…
Seriously. Kara has clearly never had Nesquik. Or Ronnybrook Chocolate Milk.