
I do not personally know any TTRPG players who actually care about perfectly balanced dice and I’ve been DMing for almost 20 years. They exist sure, if you go on amazon and look at dice, you’ll find reviews of people who’ve actually evaluated sets for accuracy, but we’re talking a really marginal case here.

It’s misogynist to have a character who is a walking pair of tits but it’s ALSO misogynist to not let her express her freedom to be a walking pair of tits...

And also transphobic somehow??? you lost me on that one.


Announcing that they’re revoking Blitzchung’s suspension would be a good start towards showing actual remorse.

Translation: this affected our sales and stock price.

waaaaaaait a sec, is voting with one’s wallet working?

Probably made in China

indicating his support for the pro-Democracy protests in Hong Kong. (Protesters in Hong Kong wear masks to obscure their identity from government surveillance and stay safe from tear gas.)

Is Blizzard completely unaware of the Streisand Effect or something, or do they just enjoy digging their grave?

If BlizzCon is nothing but a field of Pooh Bear and Mei, I will spend my entire weekend watching the stream.

...I do not watch streams as a general rule (I’m old; I see nothing wrong with streams, they’re just not the kind of entertainment I am used to), but I will tune all the way in for something like that.

Then why did your social media team apologize to China first before any statement was given? OmegaLUL

“The specific views expressed by blitzchung were NOT a factor in the decision we made,” wrote Brack. “I want to be clear: our relationships in China had no influence on our decision...”

Looking for a way out of the relationship I would guess

Possibly a more pressing question: what are you doing snooping on your partner's phone?

One of my favorite Joker moments came out of Batman: Animated Series in Christmas with the Joker.

Neither of these do anything to disable or even hide Memojis. This is some clickbait nonsense.

That sounds like a horrible viewing experience. Oh hey, 20 mins in, you fucked up, have fun re-watching the movie to get back to where you were.

Now playing

Well. Not really appropriate but it goes through my mind every time.

There’s an easier way: just ask them “Why do you think that?” after literally every sentence they say. Offer nothing. Bounce it all back. I’ve never had to ask it more than three times in a row before they gave up and walked away. It’s a real time saver.