
*waits to see how 2020 turns out*

Move to Italy and open a business to collect $770 a month. Then wait for the local mobster to show up and demand $1000 a month tribute for the privilege of running said business. 

The same Italy that’s refusing boats full of migrants??  Weird.

Well at least that will give them a sense of pride and accomplishment 

She’s worried that he’ll become abusive, and he’s already displayed several of the typical warning signs. Ignoring their instincts on stuff like this is how women get killed. That sounds extreme but it’s true. She doesn’t owe it to him to put her safety at risk while he figures out how to handle his issues in a more

he screams at her until she cries. she doesn't owe him shit.

I hope not jumping into marriage so fast is a common sense opinion, but who knows anymore.

Yikes that first one. Idk man, this may be an unpopular opinion but people please don’t jump into marriage so fast. Live together at least a year or two to really get enough time to learn how you two are together after the newness/excitement or honeymoon period simmers down. You never really know a person until you

What the everliving fuck is this shit.

It’s sort of refreshing to see them just drop all pretense.  

The reason we don’t have kei cars is because of crash test regulations, not fuel economy regulations.

They did work together to simplify the regulations. California and the 12 states that follow California, along with 13 automakers, were in on the Obama agreement to increase fuel efficiency and emissions standards. That was working together to simplify the regulations.

Totally - why bother trying to stop any air pollution unless you stop every single instance of it at once?

What does this have to do with simplifying regulations? Everything was going according to plan before Trump decided to get involved. His people are the reason things are so complicated all of a sudden.

I read the NYT article this morning. The thing that jumped out at me was this:

WTF is the purpose of trying to roll back emissions standards if basically all of the major manufacturers have already agreed to it? Oh yeah, the same thing that causes these morons to constantly shoot themselves in the d!ck... “owning the libs.”

Do or die for Halo, not necessarily Xbox as a brand/service. That’ll be around forever.

Then 3 months after release we’re gonna get the 10,000 word Jason Schreier article on how this is the moment when the game was, more or less, started over from scratch.

Actually its smart..