
Pleasant Grove Police Department’s Lt. Danny Reid sounds like an huge asshole.

I still haven’t read anywhere about what Jones did that would merit Jemison using deadly force against her. “Altercation” doesn’t say much, and the fact that it hasn’t been elaborated on makes me strongly suspect she didn’t do jack squat other than maybe yell at Jemison...which in these idiots’ minds somehow means

I don’t believe she said any such thing.

No I don’t. The man can barely form a sentence.

No, it’s not, and no, I don’t. Any Western leader for the past 50 years could have gone to the DMZ and met whichever Kim was in power, but they didn’t. Fellating the leader of the world’s most brutal regime is not showmanship, it’s what his followers think diplomacy looks like. It’s pathetic and embarrassing.

How much should we offer KJU to keep him?

It’s weird, because while that question is usually an involuntary tic for those who have been socialized not to be “rude,” a kind of sign of timidity, for her it seems to be a deliberate strategy and power play to one-up the other people in the discussion.  From her, it’s weaponized and passive-aggressive as hell.

So no Spanish and no French? Tell me again how she got into Columbia University on merit.

Now playing

Obligatory now for all Meghan McCain related articles.

When some on campus apartments caught fire at my university (Texas Womans University) , the campus police had to be called BEFORE the city police. Never mind that, you know, A FUCKING BUILDING THAT HOUSES STUDENTS IS ON FIRE!!! Then there was that time I watched them “pull over” a student for jay-walking across an

Is this common? My Canadian brain can’t get around the fact that universities have their own private police force to wich the actual police defers to.

Campus police should be done away with. Universities should submit to the laws of the cities they’re in, and cities they’re in should take responsibility for the students they benefit economically from having live there. 

I was really excited to see Kissinger show up in my news feed today. Imagine my disappointment when I found out it wasn’t because he died.

But Hillary and Trump are the same. That’s why I voted for Jill Stein/stayed home on election day when Bernie wasn’t on the ballot.  That’ll teach you.

This is why voting is important. Republicans get this no matter who the nominee is they vote. If u didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016 u don’t get to fucking complain about any Supreme Court rulings.

The Republicans aren’t even trying to hide the fact that they are stealing elections anymore; and now that they have the SC on their side, that really only leaves us with one option, doesn’t it?

Conservative humor is just plain bad when they try something other than punching down on minorities.

Is it me, or do you guys think McConnell doesn’t realize Adam wasn’t actually a mayor at 18 who bankrupted his city? Like, I get the idea he thinks he is literally reminding Adam of his previous failure....