So if i were to head down to Alabama and shoot these asshole cops and lawyers, it would be their faults because they started it. Right?!? Asking for a friend...
So if i were to head down to Alabama and shoot these asshole cops and lawyers, it would be their faults because they started it. Right?!? Asking for a friend...
Or of a demented, white trash horror movie.
Or he has to drive out to Long Island and pay a woman to wear Melania’s clothes and then spit in his face.
I hope some news channel gets the accused server on the air and she just goes “I say this with great respect: Number one, he’s not my type. Number two, it never happened. It never happened, ok?”
McCain shot back, “Well, my father couldn’t lift me above his head as a child because of his torture wounds.”
Y’know what, Megs? I’m getting really fucking sick of having to kiss your Dad’s dead ass. His bravery, selflessness, and honor during his days as a soldier and a POW are to be unquestionably respected and honored. As a politician where his actors could impact the greater good? Fuck him; he was fucking useless. He was…
The White House blocked the House Oversight Committee’s request that Kellyanne Conway testify before Congress regarding allegations that she violated the Hatch Act
I’m not buying the “both sides” argument in this case. There is literally zero moral equivalence between the two.
Meanwhile, among literally hundreds of other issues of corruption, deceit and incompetence, Trump has been credibly accused of rape/sexual assault for...what...the 16th time?
Hm, let’s see; two black brothers associated to Smollett admit to faking a hate crime and Smollett, in the end, was more than happy to forfeit his bail and agree to community service and you still believe into this great conspiracy against poor Jussie? That’s cute!
Queens don’t hang out with sexual predators.
I take comfort in the obvious - Meghan McCain’s stylists hate her.
No corporations care about you. No corporations are your friends.
Well, it is a start. I really hope ranked voting becomes the standard across the land. Of course, given that the congressional method for the Electoral College hasn’t taken off - I am not holding my breath.
This is a very interesting legal question. I think, without putting my mind to it, that a woman who underwent a medically unnecessary exam (was assaulted, in tort speak) and could prove some damage (psych harm, likely due to previous assault and being retraumatized) might have grounds for a claim against the…
Good for them. Medical providers HAVE to push back on this- politicians should not be prescribing medical treatment through legislation. They went to law school, not medical school and need to stay in their fucking lane.
Everywhere I’ve lived in the US (DC, San Francisco, and Boston) has generally followed the “walk left, stand right” rule. Perhaps this varies city by city?
The idea is if everyone just stands on both sides more people get through on average (instead of queueing up a long line on one side while far fewer people quickly get up the other). While true, it ignores the fact that people who aren’t in a hurry are usually happy to slow themselves down a little to let people…
If anything digital storefronts make games far more accessible. Alpha Protocol, a game with divisive reviews and only a cult following would not have had a PC version on sale anywhere past like 2014 if it weren’t for digital storefronts. Hell, I remember before steam, if you wanted to buy a PC game without doing some…
“people without bank accounts”