
I’d rather see their finances. People who believe they have the moral high ground on the things that are important to them can have very flexible morals when it comes to things they see as trivial. They think they have so much moral capital, they can bend “lesser” rules. I’m sure they’ve wasted money on very

Can you guys do some more undercover work sending in staff and find out what woman are really being told when they go to these snake oil emporiums?

That fetus was complicit in her crimes and warrants, and in fact, pulled a knife on the officer. The video won’t show it, but that doesn’t show what the officer saw. 

So the pro-lifers will demand the death penalty for the killing of an “unborn child”, right? They’ll also ban guns as a surgical instrument used in abortions, right?

Jaime is probably dead, since he was pretty badly wounded by Euron. Cersei? I’m not so sure. (I subscribe to the Lost-era “if you don’t see a dead body, don’t assume they’re dead” school of thought.) I can definitely see her crawling her way out of that crypt.

I cannot believe that they gave Cersei such a peaceful send-off (relatively speaking). She got to die in the arms of her true love. That was so ridiculously unsatisfying, truly unbelievable. The Hound should have stabbed her in the face as she was sneaking by on the steps and said “this is for Arya Stark.”

This has always bothered me, too. As you say, skepticism is warranted, but the outright animosity has always felt out of place, and hasn’t served Sansa’s character well this season, IMO. It’s difficult to believe her motivations in telling Tyrion about Jon were not somewhat motivated by pettiness, as I think the show

Can anyone explain to me why Sansa hated Dany from day one? I know she’s a foreign ruler and Sansa is understandably skeptical of outside rule, but the Starks spared themselves from disaster the first time around by bending the knee to Aegon and becoming wardens of the north. Dany also has the power to overthrow

Seems like you may be pointing your finger at the wrong person, there; of course it’s ridiculous if pregnant women or elderly passengers get yelled at for drinking water, but that’s not this WMATA worker’s fault.

So - did this WMATA worker in particular yell at pregnant or elderly women? And were photos of these women tweeted so they could lose their jobs? 

I, for one, am outraged and will never be patronising <scrolls back up> fashion app Dote again.

“When he opens his mouth it’s a vacuous hole: There’s little room for a brain or anything else.”

She didn’t hear directly from the company until almost 12 hours later, at 12:34 p.m. on Thursday.

Imagine being so morally bankrupt, such a cowardly quisling that you feel the need to defend a smarmy idiot like Don Jr?

He had such a bright future, you see. She, on the other hand, was a filthy, filthy grifter (and I hear she was one of the poors).

Let me get this straight: A woman who basically stole money from rich people gets 4 years, while a man whose rape of an unconscious woman behind a dumpster was so horrific that a witness cried in the retelling, gets 6 months.

The bill is part of a terrifying strategy from Republicans who want to take advantage of a Supreme Court stacked with conservative judges. According to the bill’s sponsor, Alabama Rep. Terri Collins, Republicans want a legal challenge, hoping that with an increasingly conservative court system, the bill will make its

Woman sells a topless photo of herself cause she was young and broke: YOU MAY NEVER TEACH AGAIN

“If you need to save space in your dresser or your luggage”

“If you need to save space in your dresser or your luggage”

Being the cheapskate that I am, I made one out of cardboard and duct tape for well under $1. It works fine. However the manual “Japanese T shirt fold” method actually folds faster at no cost and takes up NO physical space!
See Japanese t shirt fold You Tube video.

Being the cheapskate that I am, I made one out of cardboard and duct tape for well under $1. It works fine. However