Not sure that these people are inclined to be swayed by “statistics” and “reality”.
Not sure that these people are inclined to be swayed by “statistics” and “reality”.
I don’t think he cares. He just wants people to applaud when he speaks. If that means saying things and passing policies that lead to women dying, that’s about as important to him as the welfare of people who work in his hotels.
I completely agree with this - this show is essentially nothing but good and deserves all the attention it can get.
I defy you to come up with any legitimate examples of him “flirting with the White Supremacists” or “Neo-nazi’s” with any kind of context. The fact of the matter is, there is none. Anyone who actually watches his videos can tell you he never has actually done anything remotely racist with any kind of racist intent.…
My old man used to playfully chide my neighbor for buying scratchies. Used to always say, “The lottery is a tax on people bad at math!”
It’s not my favorite Gizz record, but it’s far from their weakest. That Pitchfork review is one of the laziest bits of writing I’ve encountered in a long time. I guess it did it’s job though. This was the first time I’ve thought about Pitchfork in the last 5+ years.
Did the internet decide that King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard are done? Their new album got roasted by Pitchfork and isn't included here at all. It's weird because I think it's great!
In 2016, while Pence was still governor of Indiana, his all GOP legislature passed a “RFRA” act (the thinly veiled right to discriminate against LGBT+ people on grounds of ”religious freedom”). The night it passed, and was set to be signed the next day, a group of large employersin the state, led by Angie Hicks of…
Earlier this month, Politico reported that Nielsen and her top allies were trying to “rehab her image” post-Trump administration. This is what that looks like: leaking details from her time in the administration which make Nielsen look like something less than wholly complicit in the dumb and shitty crimes of the…
Surprise, surprise. Literally every single person who has left the administration has went on one of these media “don’t blame me for being evil” tours.
I forgot, which one is Nielsen?
Yeah, it was included over a half a century ago.
That does not answer my question.
Why is that exactly? There is pretty good evidence that it will result in the Census being significantly inaccurate in many parts of the country. What is the offsetting benefit that justifies the inaccuracy?
Evolve was 100% not a successor to L4D. Not even spiritual. Different genre completely.
The weirdest thing for me is how zombies can walk off building tops and not splatter. If they were still people they would spatter, but instead they get right up and swarm towards you. They should at least make the first ren (or hundred, depending how high the roof is) zombies splatter and the pile of their remains…
Just like the bible, I bet most republicans won’t read it but wait for authority figures to tell them what’s in it and why they should be mad at liberals and brown people.
Elizabeth Warren actually read the report.
This is “Oh fuck we have ZERO money left” territory.
You sure seem awfully self important.