Bernie Sanders was defending Ilhan Omar weeks ago. Don’t confuse him with Kamala Harris, who got on the right side 6PM yesterday.
Bernie Sanders was defending Ilhan Omar weeks ago. Don’t confuse him with Kamala Harris, who got on the right side 6PM yesterday.
BTW, the debate around her age is troubling. I mean, of course it would be worse if she’s underaged, but how much worse? At the end of the day, this was a person in custody. Period. You can’t consent in that coercive situation, even if you’re above the age of consent.
I may be an idiot, but shouldn’t a jury decide what is false, misleading or inconsistent? The officers ADMITTED to having sex with a woman in their custody. I would seem to me that a jury should weigh all the evidence and then decide who to believe.
I know they’re worried about legal ramifications, but at some point I think Valve just needs to come out and say:
That Trump couldn’t do the bare-minimum that George W. Bush managed to do at Yale (and who was probably wasted the whole time), says so much about Trump.
Bad enough that Penn has yet to release a statement, because they fear compromising their academic integrity for having graduated a person who might have never passed a single class he took. The light needs to be revealed on the corruption of the entire Ivy League system who are guilty of graduating people whose…
“I just look at legal”
Reminder that one of his former teachers at the University of Pennsylvania frequently referred to him as “the dumbest goddamn student I ever had”.
What level of insecurity must you be feeling on a daily basis to not only criticize a Columbia/Harvard graduate for not releasing their high school transcripts, but to then bury your own?
“I was given directives, part of which I could follow but part of which I could not, and that was handing them over to the trustees,” he said. “I moved them elsewhere on campus where they could not be released. It’s the only time I ever moved an alumnus’s records.”
Christine Blasey Ford came forward in public under oath to share a terrible experience in her life. You would think one of Donald’s classmates or teachers would come forward to talk about him as a student.
That fake gloss on the ass though.......
> You dont know that he actually put his hands on her, and I hope this clears his name,
Be gone, Trumpcunt.
A modern Splinter Cell would suuuuck OH MY GOD. Ornage numbers popping up everywhere. Open world. 48 different costumes you can unlock by “killing all enemies in a mission” because fuck stealth. Nah man, keep that shit dead until Ubisoft gets past this MMO-lite phase they’re in
You’re grasping at straws, the evidence for those benefits is anecdotal at best and can be achieved through means that don’t involve empowering a toxic power structure that has proven utterly resistant to change throughout its history.
Classic pro-birth logic. Fetus = precious child. 11 year old girl who was the victim of a horrific sexual assault = trash. And how many of the people who made this happen secretly believe the little girl was asking for it?
what about Superb Owl?
what about Superb Owl?