
What about Lightroom? On Windows...

He just cancelled the chains!

Hopefully tomorrow. EA has done fuck all with the license save for two mediocre Battlefront games, one of which caused major waves through the industry (and not in a good way).

I wonder why they canceled it. A Star Wars open world game seems perfect for microtransactions and DLC. Maybe it was the huge critical failure that were Red dead redemption 2 and God of War that made Ea cancel it as it’s clear there is no future for single player games.

EA is the world’s most expensive game concept art studio.

So then he came back and asked if we would do it for $100,000 in cash. And we still said this wasn’t something that was going to work for us.”

You’re probably burnt out. Game has a solid story with great characters but the gameplay in the main story missions gets old rather fast and you’ll notice the pattern.

“un-american" pizza, from a man who uses a fork.

Good point. I didn’t mean to imply that everyone got pizza, just wanted to give an idea of how many American air traffic controllers were working without pay. Edited. Thanks! 

Even as Germany was being crushed beween the vice of vastly superior enemy forces from either side and its cities were being reduced to rubble by round the clock aerial bombing, there were still millions of Nazis who willingly obeyed the orders of their beloved Der Fuhrer.

Steve Scalise is way too fucking stupid to hold office.”

 Thoughts and prayers. 

I loved this (from NYT):

I know they’re instructed, doesn’t mean they all listen because, you know.......people....

Is that he lawyer speaking to law or for the potential idiots on the jury? There are tons of idios here on the root, imagine what’s out there in wide open Idiotville . If taken to trial, he would only need one such idiot to hang the jury. No?

Also, another commenter posted the video of R.Kelly saying that Aaliyah was 14 at the time. This dumbass lawyer couldn’t even do a google search?

Listen up folks, you’re getting distracted by Kelly’s lawyer and the pedo defender in the comments. Greenberg potentially screwed his client big time with this interview.