

Just do me a favor and google it, or I can just give you a quick breakdown if you want, so you’ll stop creating scenarios in your mind where I’m being a bigot.

No because in an effort to be politically correct you’ve left out a key detail in that many Indian people do not use toilet paper.  They are washing their asses with the water they’re bringing in, instead of using the toilet paper.  Google it if you must, or try to shame me more, it’s your time.  

Hi, Julianne, I’d like to add a few things to the list of worst things to happen in an office bathroom. I work in an office park and share a bathroom with about 10 other companies, you need a key to get in, but frequently find customers/clients of other tenants using the bathroom. Here’s just a little taste of what I

The worst thing people do in office bathrooms is fart at the urinals when there’s someone next to them.

The same party that didn’t let a Democratic president nominate a Supreme Court justice in February because of an election in November (“Let the people decide!”) now wants to rush through sweeping legislation after the people have indeed decided.

Speaking of North Carolina, the GOP legislature there tried exactly the same thing after McCrory lost. So hardly ‘unprecedented’ — WI is simply copying NC’s playbook.

You’re making me uncomfortable.

Not really much competition there...

Just because she’s not out there actively defending her father’s use of tear gas against children (like her sister did) doesn’t mean that she isn’t a walking, talking sack of shit like the rest of her clan.

What a silly statement that is

I gotta be careful to not get burned from this scorching hot take but let’s try anyways.

Because they signed a release beforehand...

They farted on each other!-Brett Kavanaugh

I’m not black either but I do oversee a fair number of employees.

Maybe if he was just a floor worker. But a supervisor?  He should’ve been fired immediately after saying that.  Nobody that thinks that way (especially to the point he feels comfortable just blurting it out) has any business supervising people.  There’s no way you can trust him to treat all the workers equally.


she would no longer be allowed to bring guests in for the rest of the semester. According to a recording Mazurek said, “We’re trying to make sure that everybody—all 315 residents—feels more comfortable... and sometimes that takes compromise on both sides to do that.”