
I stopped reading your comment after your pedantic use of bold face. Maybe people keep annoying you with their diabetes advice because watching you rage out about diabetes is a more entertaining way to spend an afternoon than typing TPS reports. Chill out, dude.
Someone with TYPE 2 DIABETES

It’s so refreshing not to have a massive list of still-loading tweets to try to scroll past before they manage to load! This is the best Barf Bag ever!

He likes to round up bigly!

Brian Kemp belongs in prison, not in any seat of public office. I hope that when he goes to the Bad Place, it’s just a constant loop of him trying to vote for himself but finding out he’s been purged from the voter rolls, while thousands of POC voters vote for his democratic opponent. 

Agreed. Put the editorial think piece in the editorial. Put the review in the review.

So like... how many maps are there? How many game types are available in multiplayer? How’s the matchmaking UI? How many guns? Are the guns locked behind personal level and/or challenges of some sort? What is the tick rate of the servers? Do you have the option of choosing a server? How many classes are there? What

Because Ben Carson is purely incompetent. Everyone else is corrupt and also hired specifically to undermine and dismantle the department they’re supposed to lead, all in the interest of making sure the richest get even richer.

When I heard about this yesterday I drifted off into a fantasy where I meet him and say “it’s nice to meet you Mr. Carson.” He would try to correct me and say it’s DR. Carson. I would then reply, “oh, does this mean you have a PHD in Urban Development?”

(The best part is that Trump Sr. apparently hated this because... Trump Jr. should have gotten more money? or Tiffany’s instead of Bailey Banks & Biddle? or...??? Like, how hilarious that there are branding scams that Trump Sr., the man who lives on branding, finds too unclassy.)

Trump Jr. got engaged at a mall in Short Hills, N.J., as part of a publicity stunt for a jewelry store.

there were entire battalions of african american soldiers across many countries in the war and how many women have you seen in the game exactly? The women who served combined with the resistance fighters in home countries meant you were going to see women in combat. The war wasn’t pop culture like the movies. It’s

Also of note, one of the officers who helped storm the riechstag was a woman.

Just to head off of the people that are gonna pretend not to like it for other reason but really cause “dem womenz and black peoplez didn’t fight in WW2 and I demand historical accuracy!”

This piece of shit has had the most lenient treatment a paedophile’s ever gotten.

I sure as hell am! Here, check out the details and see what kind of bullshit she fell for:

I'm not questioning the judge because she had full benefit of all the facts, but that seems super lenient. 

This isn’t about what she said. They hired her to appeal to the racists. It’s about her low ratings. They’re just using this as a cover. She’ll be back at Fox next railing against thin skinned, overly sensitive Liberals. 

I finally broke 1000 followers, which is something I’ve been trying to do for a while

Once upon a time, this is what would’ve happened: he finds the wallet and turns it in to the box office; she calls the venue the next day and says, “did anyone turn in a lost wallet?” The venue says, “Yes, we have it.” She goes back to collect it.

Dumb to think EA would purposely kill a cash cow. How about  Dice just isn’t getting the job done on time, so they need more time.