This goes for KavuChameleon as well.
This goes for KavuChameleon as well.
It sucks that this is necessary, but thank you for posting it.
There are ways to get these people the proper IDs they need. It is a bit complicated but should work.
“I don’t even think this makes sense”
Where is all their precious due process? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Oh I guess that only works for men being accused of shit.
“On the one hand, I don’t think this even makes sense and it doesn’t seem like he’s bothering to try anymore. On the other hand, I just really enjoy being part of a mob and being mean, and I’ll bet this will really piss off the libtards, so... Lock her up! Lock her up!....”
I didn’t necessarily want her to punch him in the face, but I absolutely want her to punch him in the face.
I hope the movie gets made and is simply titled Fox News so we can trick old people into watching it when it comes to basic cable and is displayed on their on-screen guide.
“Unfortunately, we don’t comment on rumors or speculation other than to say that the Rumors album by Fleetwood Mac still holds up,” said an Obsidian spokesperson.
That’s sad for Taylor Swift because 70 year old men are the most coveted demographic in pop music.
No, it was a planned boycott. We specifically didn’t want to vote because it was a sham of a referendum
Okay, as a regular traveller in East Africa, this pisses me off possibly more than it should:
“They’re both mistaken. The Devil’s Triangle is a lady’s down-there-place.”
-Mike Pence
Sounds like a golden opportunity to ditch gaming and gain control of your life.
“Trump hit rock bottom today. He couldn’t possibly go any lower, right?”
OMFG. Ten bucks says he’s now going to use that effing Presidential Alert thing to send us all dick picks to show us how big and presidential it is.
“I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart...
Nice photoshop, but you’ve made his hands too large.